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1 – Promote personal development in the care setting

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1.3 Explain the relationship between rights, choice and personalisation

Personalisation of health and social care services refers to individuals having choice, control and flexibility over the design of services they receive, allowing them to meet their specific needs. Rights are essential for personalised healthcare because it helps protect those who may be vulnerable from mistreatment or abuse, as well as provide access to necessary medical treatments. The right for an individual to make their own decisions is a core element in personalised care because this allows people who are receiving care or support the freedom of choosing how that service should look like.

The relationship between rights, choice and personalisation in healthcare allows individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions can receive better quality services tailored towards them by exercising both decision-making authority and more control over resources related directly to their needs. This often leads not only too much more independence but also satisfaction regarding all aspects of treatment within health settings, ranging from patient/carer involvement into research all through accessibility within hospitals, either physical (parking)or mental (complaints policies).

This personalisation aims to empower the patient, placing them at the heart of decisions concerning their wellbeing. Respect for a patient’s autonomy is important in ensuring that healthcare interventions are tailored around what they want and not just what professionals think it’s best. An environment where people can make informed choices based on complete information contributes significantly to individuals living more independently with respect for their rights and dignity and better-quality service overall from medical staff.

Personalised healthcare also promotes communication between service users, family members and clinicians, helping form relationships which lead to an improved quality of life both physically or psychologically through having control over decisions about individual care plans rather than feeling disconnected from taking part in any aspects related to personal healthcare concerns. This could be achieved through advanced forms such as access to direct payments or web-based systems, including online bookings so patients can tailor needs directly by selecting services available within specific local authorities depending on availability etc., allowing for greater efficiency when managing treatment due to a reduction of paperwork and a more seamless patient experience.

The relationship between rights, choice and personalisation in healthcare is an essential part of any quality care strategy aiming to improve the well-being of patients by placing them at the heart of decisions regarding their health, allowing access to treatments that reflect their needs as individuals whilst also respecting their autonomy. This helps empower patients through feeling included within decision-making processes related to services provided under medical support, enabling better outcomes tailored towards individual needs within society today.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.4 Identify legislation and other national policy documents that promote personalisation
  • 2.1 Explain the local and national systems that are designed to support personalisation
  • 2.2 Describe the impact that personalisation has on the process of commissioning social care
  • 2.3 Explain how direct payments and individual budgets support personalisation
  • 3.1 Explain how person-centred thinking, person-centred planning and person-centred approaches support personalisation
  • 3.2 Describe how personalisation affects the balance of power between individuals and those providing support
  • 4.1 Analyse the skills, attitudes and approaches needed by those providing support or brokering services, in order to implement personalisation

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