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1 – Unit 387 – Contribute to effective team working in health and social care

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1.1 Outline models of team working

There are several models of team working that have been proposed in the literature. Some common models include:

The Tuckman model: This model, also known as the “Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing” model, proposes that teams go through four stages of development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. In the forming stage, team members are introduced and begin to get to know each other. In the storming stage, conflicts may arise as team members begin to work together and establish roles. In the norming stage, the team begins to work together more effectively and resolve conflicts. In the performing stage, the team is able to work together efficiently and effectively.

The Belbin team role model: This model proposes that there are nine different roles that individuals can take on in a team, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The roles include coordinator, shaper, plant, monitor-evaluator, resource investigator, implementer, completer-finisher, specialist, and team worker.

The Team Development model: This model, developed by Katzenbach and Smith, proposes that teams go through four stages of development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. This model is similar to the Tuckman model, but adds an additional stage called “adjourning”, which occurs when the team disbands or completes its project.

The High-Performance Team model: This model proposes that high-performance teams have five characteristics: a clear and compelling direction, complementary skills and experiences, high levels of commitment and accountability, a focus on results, and an open and trusting culture.

The Team Leadership model: This model proposes that effective teams have a clear leader who sets direction and provides support, as well as team members who are able to contribute their unique skills and experiences to the team’s work.

There are many other models of team working that have been proposed in the literature, and different models may be more or less applicable depending on the specific context and goals of the team.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Explain the process of team development
  • 1.3 Analyse how shared goals can lead to team cohesion
  • 2.1 Explain principle objectives underpinning team working
  • 2.2 Explain why mutual respect and support promotes effective teamwork
  • 2.3 Explain how the values of own organisation influences the working of your team
  • 2.4 Explain how teams manage change
  • 2.5 Explain the benefits of effective team performance
  • 3.1 Identify own role and responsibility in the team
  • 3.7 Explain lines of reporting and responsibility in the team
  • 3.8 Analyse the strengths and contributions of other team members to the work of the team

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