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11 – HSC CM1: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care

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1.1.     Define the terms:

Equality can be defined as the practice of treating individuals with respect and recognising their significance. It also implies guaranteeing everyone the same rights and opportunities to improve their lives and grow into their true ability, whether through formal education, participation in extracurricular activities, or any other route.

Service users, family members, and friends aren’t the only people who can promote equality; health and social care staff, as well as members of other organisations and the volunteer sector, can as well.

Recognizing that each person is special in their own way is one definition of diversity. Recognizing the unique skills and perspectives of each person promotes cultural growth by providing a forum for the free flow of ideas and information. In a diverse community, people of many ages, backgrounds, races, genders, sexual orientations, and sexes are valued and respected for their unique contributions.

Having a meaningful role in society, receiving help, feeling respected, and having a positive cause for well-being are all examples of inclusion. Fully integrating into a group or system is what we mean when we talk about inclusion. as well as feeling like you truly belong anywhere.

The term “discrimination” refers to the detrimental or unfair treatment of people. When people are treated unfairly because of who they are as individuals, it can have a negative impact on their sense of self-worth, their outlook on life, and their emotional and physical health.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Explain how rights are promoted in health and social care services.
  • 1.3. Discuss ethical dilemmas that may arise when balancing individual rights and duty of care
  • 2.1. Explain how to promote equality and support diversity.
  • 2.2. Describe how to challenge those not working inclusively in a way that promotes change
  • 2.3. Explain how to support others in promoting equality and rights
  • 3.1. Summarise legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination.
  • 4.1. Evaluate the role of the health and social care practitioner in meeting individuals’ needs through inclusive practice

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