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12 – HSC CM1: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care

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1.1.     Define the terms:


Equality means making sure everyone is treated fairly, with decency and respect, and given equal access to resources so they can maximize their abilities. Also, the absence of bias due to one’s origins, skin colour, way of life, or physical or mental capabilities is a necessary condition for true equality. When people are treated equally, they are guaranteed liberty of expression, the opportunity to earn a living, and protection against discrimination in all areas of life.

In health and social care contexts, it is the role of the service provider to advocate for the client’s right to equal access to care. People who are physically or mentally impaired due to sickness, age, or other factors would benefit greatly from this.


To be diverse is to have a wide range of characteristics that set us apart from one another, such as our upbringings, personalities, life histories, and viewpoints.

Recognizing, respecting, and appreciating differences in ethnicity, identity, age, colour, faith, physical ability, and sexual identity are also essential components of diversity. Different people have different communication styles, career paths, personal experiences, educational backgrounds, income levels, marital statuses, parenting styles, and other influences that shape their viewpoints.

Race, age, gender identity, nationality, and sexual preference are just few of the factors that should be considered when hiring for a diverse workforce. A health and social care facility is said to have a diversified range of perspectives and experiences when its administrative and medical teams reflect a wide range of specialisations and occupational groups.


The term “inclusion” refers to the feeling of belonging you get when you’re accepted into a community or group. Both diversity and equality are associated with inclusion. By learning about a person’s unique qualities, you may better engage them and treat them with respect and dignity. People may experience feelings of exclusion when they are left out of activities.

Services should help people in all aspects of their lives in order to maintain their health and avoid problems. Thus, everyone will be able to feel safe expressing their unique qualities and interests, secure in the knowledge that they will be treated fairly and given the support they need to pursue their passions.


To discriminate is to treat someone unfairly or in a way that demeans them. Some members of one religious or ethnic group may act in ways that are designed to hurt others of a different faith or background.

Because of their bias, some people may think less of others, treat others unfairly, or pay no attention to the concerns of those who are distinct from themselves. Thus, discrimination takes place, which is described as the unjust or biased treatment of certain groups of individuals.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Explain how rights are promoted in health and social care services.
  • 1.3. Discuss ethical dilemmas that may arise when balancing individual rights and duty of care
  • 2.1. Explain how to promote equality and support diversity.
  • 2.2. Describe how to challenge those not working inclusively in a way that promotes change
  • 2.3. Explain how to support others in promoting equality and rights
  • 3.1. Summarise legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination.
  • 4.1. Evaluate the role of the health and social care practitioner in meeting individuals’ needs through inclusive practice

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