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2 – DHS 7- Responsibilities of a care worker reviewed

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1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship

Working relationship: These kinds of relationships are typical of those found at the workplace. Working relationships are official bonds that exist between carers and the person they are supporting, as well as their families, representatives acting on their behalf, other employees and colleagues inside and outside of the institution, managers, and employers.

In a working environment, an employee is typically paid unless they are providing volunteer service. Less physical contact is required during work relationships, but records of all activities must be made and maintained in accordance with the employers’ agreed-upon working practices. Because the employee typically knows more about the person under their care than the person under their care knows about their givers, this type of relationship has an unbalanced power dynamic. Additionally, the person receiving care is more dependent on them. In this kind of relationship, communication must always be formal, professionalism must be present at all times, care must be taken not to violate confidentiality, and unequal power dynamics must never be exploited.

Taking and giving gifts in professional settings is against policies, procedures, and established working practices that must always and strictly be followed; failure to do so will result in sanctions and possibly legal action with serious repercussions. This kind of relationship can only last for a limited amount of time because it is typically constrained by time and place. Working relationships typically have very little intimacy, and any bonds formed must be strictly professional. Communication in a professional setting must always be formal, courteous, and less sentimental than in personal ones.

Personal relationship: This is the kind of relationship that a care provider has with his or her close friends, as well as with his or her immediate and extended family. Being in this type of relationship is typically unpaid, and the participants can decide whether or not to keep the relationship going. This connection is casual and frequently stems from a social or familial bond. In this relationship, giving and receiving gifts is acceptable, and physical contact, such as hugging, kissing, and touching, is also encouraged.

The participants in this type of relationship are free to decide the boundaries and nature of the relationship because it is mutual and has no time limit, making it possible for it to occur anywhere, at any time, and with socialising being completely permitted. In personal relationships, there is typically a higher level of intimacy than in professional ones, and the conversational tone can vary depending on the participants’ attitudes and demeanour. Participants can therefore feel at ease and be more honest about private information and secrets.

The main distinction between personal and professional relationships is that the former is more formal than the latter.

  • While personal relationships are between family members, friends, and acquaintances, professional relationships only exist in professional settings.
  • While working relationships have low levels of intimacy, personal relationships have higher levels.
  • Unlike personal relationships, working relationships frequently involve financial rewards.
  • In contrast to personal relationships, professional relationships are typically not constrained by space, time, or location.
  • While personal relationships are not subject to any legal restrictions, working relationships must strictly adhere to legal requirements and employer-approved work practices.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Describe different working relationships in care settings

  • 2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role

  • 3.1 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others

  • 3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts

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