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4 – HSC CM9: Reflective Practice

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1.1 Identify standards relating to professional development in health and social care.

Professional development in health and social care is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled by practitioners in their field of practice, which makes them stay relevant and up-to-date in the profession. ‘Standard’ is the level of quality that is expected of all professionals. In health and social care, there are set standards and guidelines that are put in place to govern and to show the practitioners how to do their job (i.e. what is expected of them at any given time).

Health and Social Care Workers

The Health and Care Profession Council (HCPC) is the organisation that establishes standards for social workers to adhere to in their line of work and is in charge of regulating them. Before registering with HCPC and becoming eligible to join as a member, a candidate for social work must complete the necessary exams. Additionally, they must adhere to The Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF), which lays out the requirements for social workers in England to successfully practise their profession.

Nurse and Midwives

All nurses and midwives fall under the jurisdiction of the Nurses and Midwifery council and the General Medical Council, establishing the standards of care for anyone aspiring to the profession. To practise in the UK, a person must first complete the necessary training and then register with the relevant council; without doing so, they will not be permitted to do so. They also establish standards for the profession as a whole; there are codes that nurses and midwives must always abide by, which include:

  • Prioritising people
  • Practising effectively
  • Preserving safety
  • Promoting professionalism and trust.

To continue working in the United Kingdom, nurses and midwives must undergo revalidation every three years. To do so, they must first provide the following proof.

  • 450 hours of work or 900 if renewing as double qualified
  • 35 hours of continuing professional development, including 20 hours of participatory learning.
  • Five pieces of practice-related feedback
  • Five written reflective account
  • Reflective discussion
  • Health and character declaration
  • Professional indemnity arrangement
  • Confirmation.

Care Quality Commission

This is England’s independent health and social care regulator (an independent body with authority to monitor and inspect services). They visit healthcare facilities to conduct inspections, oversee and control their operations, and publish their results for public consumption while rating the effectiveness of these establishments. They do not have jurisdiction over specific individuals, such as nurses, social workers, etc. Still, they report any professional misconduct to the relevant professional council so that the proper discipline can be applied.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Explain ‘continuing professional development’.
  • 2.1. Discuss theoretical perspectives on reflection in relation to professional development.
  • 2.2. Explain how reflective practice supports the professional development of the health and social care practitioner
  • 2.3. Analyse how reflective practice supports positive outcomes for:
    – Individuals/Parents / Carers
    – Staff Team
    – Other Professionals.
  • 3.1. Analyse how the health and social care practitioner’s own values, beliefs and experiences can influence delivery of care.
  • 4.1. Identify:
    – Sources of support for learning and development
    – Professional development opportunities.
  • 4.2. Discuss methods for identifying and planning for professional development needs.
  • 5.1. Reflect upon own learning using a model of reflection.
  • 5.2. Use outcomes from reflection to assess and plan for own development.

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