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4 – Promote personal development in the care setting

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1.1 Explain the term ‘personalisation’ as it applies to social care

Personalisation is a concept that emphasises the importance of each individual having their own identity and choices in life. It relates to people’s autonomy, including physical and mental health needs. This involves respecting an individual’s right to decide on their care and treatment, allowing them to be actively involved in decision-making processes related to managing their conditions or health requirements.

In social care settings such as hospitals, residential homes for older people or day centres for adults with learning disabilities, personalisation means offering tailored support packages that are person-centred rather than service driven, where appropriate healthcare interventions are determined by the person’s specific needs rather than assuming ‘one size fits all’ approach. For example, instead of assigning a set programme where everyone receives similar support regardless of need, nurses could work together with patients/service users/clients/residents when designing service plans so they can receive individually relevant services, e.g. giving greater control over finances or emotional support.

It is also important to note that personalisation isn’t just about meeting an individual’s needs but includes enabling them to achieve a good quality of life by helping them develop relationships and connections with their community. This could be through providing access to leisure activities or tailored home care programmes that offer support for activities such as shopping, cooking or gardening rather than just domestic tasks like cleaning and laundry.

Moreover, personalisation supports empowering people with mental health conditions so they are involved in setting the goals that best reflect their values and preferences; whilst enhancing service user/patient education regarding self-management strategies of chronic conditions (i.e. diet/exercise).

Personalisation seeks to ensure all individuals have control over decisions affecting how they want things done, making sure everyone has a ‘personalised package’ which meets individual requirements for choice around service provision as well as consideration for social factors within their lives (family life etc.). This will help individuals to achieve the best quality of life whilst fostering independence, well-being and community integration.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Explain how personalisation can benefit individuals

  • 1.3 Explain the relationship between rights, choice and personalisation

  • 1.4 Identify legislation and other national policy documents that promote personalisation

  • 2.1 Explain the local and national systems that are designed to support personalisation

  • 2.2 Describe the impact that personalisation has on the process of commissioning social care

  • 2.3 Explain how direct payments and individual budgets support personalisation

  • 3.1 Explain how person-centred thinking, person-centred planning and person-centred approaches support personalisation

  • 3.2 Describe how personalisation affects the balance of power between individuals and those providing support

  • 3.3 Give examples of how personalisation may affect the way an individual is supported from day to day

  • 4.1 Analyse the skills, attitudes and approaches needed by those providing support or brokering services, in order to implement personalisation

  • 4.2 Identify potential barriers to personalisation

  • 4.3 Describe ways to overcome barriers to personalisation in day-to-day work

  • 4.4 Describe types of support that individuals or their families might need in order to maximise the benefits of a personalised service

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