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6 – Unit 87 – Administer Medication to Individuals and Monitor the Effects

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1.1 Identify current legislation, guidelines, policies and protocols relevant to the administration of medication

Health Act 2006: This act mandates that each healthcare provider appoints a responsible officer to oversee the safe and appropriate management and use of controlled substances. This accountable officer would also be in charge of auditing, looking into, and monitoring any complaints and feedback. They would also be in charge of overseeing training and performance reviews of individuals. This law also regulates and forbids smoking in public places and vehicles and specifies the minimum age at which tobacco can be sold to a person.

It includes provisions for the use and administration of controlled substances. The control and prevention of infections linked to healthcare were also covered by this act. Additionally, it provides instructions on how to handle medical supplies and sets standards for how pharmacies should run.

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971: This law was made to stop the improper handling, storage, and use of controlled substances that contain addictive, harmful, and dangerous ingredients. This law divides controlled substances into three classes, A, B, and C, each with its own set of strict fines and penalties for illegal possession, possession with the intent to resell, and supply. The home secretary can easily review the list of substances within each group or class and decide whether to include or exclude both new and preexisting drugs.

The Misuse of Drugs Regulation 2001: This Act is responsible for regulating the imports, exports, sales, and purchases of controlled substances. Additionally, it provides a more detailed definition of controlled substances as well as information, rules, and restrictions regarding their use and handling. Additionally, it divided controlled substances into three classes, A, B, and C.

The Medicine Act 1968: This Act was established to protect the granting of licences for the production, supply, and sale of medications for human and veterinary use. It further breaks down medical categories into three groups, namely;

Pharmacy Medicine (P): These medications are only available from a chemist and can only be purchased without a prescription.

Prescription Only Medicine (POM): These medications can only be obtained from a pharmacist with a prescription from a licenced medical professional.

General Sales List (GSL): These medications are available over the counter in any shop without a prescription.

The Human Medicine Regulations 2012– This law is in charge of establishing the guidelines for pharmaceuticals intended for human use. This covers the handling, production, distribution, importation, sales, and supply of medicines, as well as their packaging, marketing, and labelling instructions.

Health and Social Care Act 2008– The act requires health care professionals, such as doctors, social workers, and nurses, to ensure that they protect individuals who use social care services, to protect them from the risk of abuse or wrong medication usage and to ensure that they provide them with the best care or support necessary, despite the fact that it has no direct relationship to medication administration and usage. Additionally, this law makes sure that individuals receiving care and support are given in a safe manner by requiring that all health care service providers be qualified, competent, and possess the experience and skills necessary.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulation 2002: This law makes sure that employers take steps to control substances that are harmful to health, including nanomaterials and controlled drugs.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 2.1 Describe common types of medication including their effects and potential side effects.

  • 2.2 Identify medication which demands specific physiological measurements.

  • 2.3 Describe the common adverse reactions to medication, how each can be recognized and the appropriate action(s) required

  • 2.4 Explain the different routes of medicine administration

  • 3.1 Explain the types, purpose and function of materials and equipment needed for the administration of medication via the different routes.

  • 3.2 Identify the required information from prescriptions/ medication administration charts

  • 4.2 Explain ways to ensure the appropriate timing of medication.

  • 5.3 Describe how to report any immediate problems with the administration.

  • 5.5 Explain why it may be necessary to confirm that the individual actually takes the medication and does not pass the medication to others.

  • 5.8 Describe how to dispose of out of date and part-used medications in accordance with legal and organizational requirements

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