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7 – HSC CM3: Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

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1.1 Explain what is meant by ‘safeguarding’.

Safeguarding, in the context of health and social care, refers to more than just preventing harm; it also involves recognising each individual’s distinctive needs and advocating for their human rights on the job. In order to ensure the safety of children, it is necessary to take measures such as:

  • keeping them from being abused and harmed;
  • ensuring that they are not exposed to harmful environments;
  • guaranteeing that they are safe and well cared for;
  • giving them the same chances as everyone else.

The goal of adult protection services is to ensure that vulnerable adults are able to live free from harmful influences like abuse and neglect. The Care Act of 2014 acknowledged the importance of collaboration between organisations and health and social care professionals to attain this goal. Keeping children safe requires adhering to two guiding tenets:

  • everyone has a role to play in ensuring their well-being, and
  • all efforts should be made with the child in mind.

And while safeguarding adults, the following must be put in mind;

  • Empowerment: Adults should be empowered to make decisions and control their lives. This means they should be able to choose how they want to live, what kind of support they need, and who provides it.
  • Protection: Adults at risk of abuse or neglect must be protected from harm. This includes physical, emotional, sexual, financial, or material harm.
  • Prevention: Preventing abuse and neglect from happening is just as crucial as protecting those who are already experiencing it. To do this effectively, we need to identify risks early on so that we can take steps to reduce them.
  • Partnership: Working together with other agencies and organisations is crucial to safeguarding adults. We all have a role to play in keeping people safe, and we must ensure that we are working together effectively.
  • Accountability: We all need to be accountable for our actions and decisions. This means being clear about what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how it will affect the people we work with.
  • Proportionality: The response to safeguarding concerns should be proportional to the level of risk. This means we must ensure that our actions are appropriate and proportionate to the risks involved.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Explain how safeguarding:
    – Keeps individuals safe
    – Value individual needs
    – Protects individuals
  • 1.3. Explain how Health and social care practitioners can take steps to safeguard themselves.
  • 2.1. Summarise current legislation in relation to safeguarding.
  • 2.2. Describe the relationship between legislation, policy and procedure.
  • 2.3. Identify policy and procedures in relation to safeguarding.
  • 3.1. Explain factors that may contribute to an individual being vulnerable to harm or abuse
  • 4.1. Describe signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern relating to:
    – Physical abuse
    – Sexual abuse
    – Domestic abuse
    – Emotional abuse
    – Neglect
  • 5.1. Explain the boundaries of confidentiality in relation to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of individuals
  • 6.1. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the health and social care practitioner in relation to safeguarding individuals.

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