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1 – Unit 18: Understanding Sensory Loss

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1.1 Define congenital sensory loss and acquired sensory loss

Congenital sensory loss is a condition that exists at birth in which an individual has partial or complete hearing, vision, smell or taste impairment due to genetic factors. This type of disability can be caused by many things, such as physical abnormality or exposure to certain chemicals before birth. It may lead to other challenges for the affected individual throughout their lifetime, depending on how severe it is and its effect on development.

Acquired sensory loss occurs later in life due to external causes such as infection, trauma or age-related deterioration (for example, glaucoma). Hearing aids are commonly used among those with acquired auditory impairments since they do not typically worsen over time as congenital ones do. In some cases, individuals who suffer from this form of disability also require adapted equipment and support services tailored specifically for them so they have access to independence despite their reduced sense of capabilities.

It is important to note that many of those affected by either congenital or acquired sensory loss benefit from psychological, educational and other forms of support. This can help them reach their full potential regardless of the challenges they face due to disability

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Explain sensory loss in terms of the five main senses

  • 1.3 Explain the demographic factors which influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population

  • 2.1 Analyse how different factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss

  • 2.2 Analyse how societal attitudes and beliefs impact on individuals with sensory loss

  • 2.3 Explore how societal attitudes and beliefs can impact on service delivery

  • 3.1 Explain the methods of communication used by individuals with: a. Sight loss b. Hearing Loss c. Deaf-blindness

  • 3.2 Describe how the environment facilitates effective communication for people with sensory loss

  • 3.3 Explain how effective communication may have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with sensory loss

  • 4.1 Identify the indicators and signs of: a. Sight loss b. Hearing loss c. Deaf-blindness d. Somatosensory loss e. Anosmia and ageusia

  • 4.2 Explain actions that should be taken if there are concerns about the onset of sensory loss or changes in sensory status

  • 4.3 Explain sources of support for those who may be experiencing the onset of sensory loss

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