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Unit 11: Understand Mental Wellbeing and Mental Health Promotion

Level: Level 3 Diploma

Table of Contents

1.3 Promote physical and mental health and wellbeing, providing opportunistic brief advice on health and wellbeing

People are always urged to keep their physiological measurements, such as a steady heartbeat, normal blood pressure, and normal blood sugar levels, within as wide an acceptable range as they can.

People are urged to follow regular exercise routines. Healthy adults should engage in 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity, such as jogging, swimming, or soccer, or at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity, such as stretching, dancing, or walking.

People must make an effort to practise good personal hygiene, which includes keeping their skin, teeth, and hair clean. This would lessen the likelihood of a body system becoming infected.

Being in good physical and mental health also requires maintaining a healthy weight. This has to be in line with the BMI scale.

Eating a balanced diet meal, which includes all the necessary food groups and is high in vitamins and nutrients needed by the body system to maintain normal body metabolism and fend off disease and infection For the maintenance of good health, it is also imperative to consume the recommended amount of fluid each day, which ranges from 2 to 4 litres.

A good way to maintain good mental health is to participate in activities you enjoy. People can be encouraged to take part in hobbies like painting, cooking, music, dancing, sports, and games like chess and soccer.

All of these activities are intended to lessen stress levels; boredom and isolation are encouraged because they are known to keep the mind active and sharp.

In order to promote good mental and physical health as well as bolster the body’s immune system, adequate sleep and rest patterns must also be encouraged. Because every individual is different and unique, carers must take special care to get to know the individuals they are responsible for. They must also carefully review the care plans for each individual to look for any changes in the person’s usual behaviour or pattern, which would be a sign that their physical and mental health is deteriorating.

1.5 Recognize issues and deteriorations in mental and physical health, report and respond appropriately, supporting others to do so

Recognising issues and deteriorations in mental and physical health can be challenging, as these changes may be subtle or may not be immediately apparent. However, as a health and social care worker, it is important to be vigilant and to look for signs that may indicate that someone is experiencing issues or deteriorations in their mental or physical health.

Some signs that may indicate issues or deteriorations in mental or physical health include:

  • Changes in behaviour or mood, such as becoming more withdrawn, anxious, or agitated
  • Changes in appetite or sleep patterns
  • Physical symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, or changes in weight
  • Difficulty performing daily activities or tasks
  • Decreased ability to concentrate or make decisions
  • Increased confusion or memory loss

If you observe any of these signs in someone you are caring for, it is important to report your observations to the appropriate person, such as a supervisor, manager, or healthcare provider. You should also support others in recognising and reporting these signs by encouraging them to speak up if they have concerns and by providing them with the necessary resources and information to do so.

In responding to issues and deteriorations in mental and physical health, it is important to follow established protocols and to work closely with the person’s healthcare provider and other relevant professionals. This may involve providing additional support and assistance to the person, such as helping them to manage their symptoms or access appropriate treatments. It may also involve making referrals to other healthcare providers or specialists as needed.

The key to effectively recognising and responding to issues and deteriorations in mental and physical health is to be vigilant, communicate openly and honestly with others, and work collaboratively to support the person’s overall well-being.

1.6 Recognize limitations in mental capacity and respond appropriately

The ability to use and comprehend information to make decisions and be able to convey those decisions to others is referred to as mental capacity.

If a person’s mind is so impaired or disturbed that they are unable to make a decision at that moment, that person is said to lack mental capacity. A person’s brain or mind may be damaged for a variety of reasons, impairing their ability to make decisions, such as:

  • Damage to the brain, including brain-related accidents or strokes.
  • Intoxication caused by drug or alcohol abuse.
  • Mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar.
  • Confusion brought on by physical or psychological conditions, such as unconsciousness or drowsiness.
  • Dementia
  • Serious learning difficulties

When someone is unable to recall the information, they are deemed incapable of making decisions.

  • They have trouble recalling the details.
  • They are unable to comprehend information about a decision.
  • They are unable to communicate their decision by talking, using sign language, or any other means of communication.

When consent is needed, a trained or experienced professional evaluates a person’s capacity. If the person is found to have the capacity to give consent, the decision will be accepted and the person’s wishes will be upheld even if the capacity is later no longer available. If the professional is not convinced, however, and the person has not delegated their right to make decisions to another person, the decision will not be accepted.

Even if a person’s decision to receive treatment seems irrational, that person’s decision must be respected as long as that person is fully aware of the implications of their choice ( which must be explained to them by their caregivers). However, such individuals would be regarded as incapable in cases where the decisions would be fatal to the person. An individual who persistently denies or refuses to acknowledge their health condition despite evidence from tests and assessments is an example.

The professional caring for the individual will decide whether to continue treatment when they lack the mental capacity to do so, putting the person’s best interests first. In some circumstances, an independent mental capacity advocate (IMCA) may need to be consulted before the decision is made.

However, there are some situations where there are grave concerns or disagreements about what is in the best interest of a disabled person due to grave issues like organ donation or regenerative problems, withdrawal of hydration, or contraceptive needs. In this situation, the Mental Capacity Act requires that the court of protection hear the individual’s case before rendering a decision

The following factors may temporarily impair a person’s ability to give consent, change over time, or otherwise affect that person’s capacity:

  • Panic Medication
  • Shocks
  • Fatigue

If they believe they may lose capacity over time, people can also designate someone (typically a family member) to continue making decisions for them, or they can create a legally binding document (a “living will”) that would state their wishes and preferences regarding the course of treatment.

2.3 The indicators for good physical and mental health in relation to the demographic of individuals you are working with; the importance of fluids, nutrition and food safety; ways to signpost individuals to public health interventions if appropriate

The term “good health” generally refers to a state of total mental, physical, and social well-being for the body, rather than the absence of illness or disease. The human body is naturally programmed to provide feedback on our health at all times; all that is needed is understanding and monitoring these indicators so that we can address any issues that may arise.

Several signs of good physical and mental health include:

• Good and stable sleep patterns: Sleep is crucial for the body and mind to repair and regenerate themselves. Having a good, restful, and reliable sleep pattern is crucial. Consistent sleep patterns influence how the body feels, how the mind responds, how well the person thinks, and how well they reflect their overall physical and mental health. Stress, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption, or both are known to interfere with healthy sleep patterns.

• Feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and more energised after waking up are signs of a restful night’s sleep. 30 minutes after lying down, falling asleep, sleeping all night without getting up more than once and then going right back to sleep.

• Regular bowel movements: Frequent bowel movements or a prolonged absence from bowel movements are signs of unhealthy patterns that need to be reported and promptly addressed. Healthy bowel movements include routine, pain-free stoking that leaves people feeling neither bloated nor in pain. Individuals must make sure they consume at least 30 to 40 grammes of fibre daily and drink 2 to 4 litres of water each day to support regular bowel movements. Probiotic foods should be regularly consumed as they are known to support gut microbes. It’s also important to promote regular consumption of whole-grain foods, fruits, and vegetables.

• Good energy levels allow people to participate in extracurricular activities without experiencing any negative effects on their energy levels. It also entails carrying out routine daily activities without experiencing any severe pains, aches, or strains. Regular exercise and using stress-reduction techniques like yoga and meditation to relieve the body of tension can help you feel more energised. Substituting whole foods for processed ones.

• A healthy urinary system: The urinary system filters blood and removes toxins, excess salts, water, and other waste products from the body. As a result, it is crucial that the urinary system is in good working order to support overall wellness. The characteristics of a healthy urinary system include the ability to perform all daily tasks without experiencing any urinary leakage or discomfort, and urine that is pale yellow in colour and is free of lumps or blood.

• Having a robust immune system: Immune system is in charge of preventing diseases and other harmful infestations from invading the body system. Any potential threats to the body would be recognised by a strong immune system, which would then stop them before they could do any damage. The immune system shields the body from diseases, infections, and other foreign substances. It is in charge of making wounds mend. A person with a healthy immune system won’t tyre easily after their daily activities, will heal wounds quickly, will have a healthy digestive system, and won’t suffer from auto-immune diseases like dermatitis, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

The immune system can be strengthened by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and rest (between 7 and 9 hours each day), and using effective stress reduction techniques like meditation and rest.

The following are additional signs of sound physical and mental health: healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, hearts, brains, teeth, and breath, as well as a regular menstrual cycle, are all prerequisites for good health.

Because what people consume is crucial to their health and well-being, how they look, how they function, and how they feel, the food they eat must be properly prepared and stored to prevent contamination with vectors that can cause illness or harm. It is crucial that people follow a safe diet that includes all the essential nutrients needed for their bodies to function at their best; this type of diet is known as a “balanced diet.”

The importance of fluid in the body system cannot be overstated; without sufficient fluid, the body will not be able to perform basic bodily functions like:

  • elimination of bodily wastes like urine and faeces;
  • digestion and nutrient absorption from food;
  • regulating body temperature;
  • helping the body’s blood to flow more freely;
  • preserving proper brain activity;
  • aiding in infection prevention;

Water is the best fluid that people should try to consume on a daily basis, but other options include milk, tea, fruit juices, and low-sugar beverages. Alcohol consumption should be kept to a minimum because it frequently causes dehydration.

The care plans for each individual must specify how much fluid and food they need, and carers must follow those plans while providing care and support.

As a health and social care worker, there are several ways to signpost individuals to public health interventions if appropriate:

– Referral: One of the most effective ways to signpost individuals to public health interventions is through referral. This involves working closely with other healthcare professionals, such as GPs or community nurses, and referring individuals to the appropriate services or interventions based on their needs.

– Information sharing: Sharing information about public health interventions with individuals can help them understand the benefits and options available to them. This can be done through leaflets, posters, or by providing information during face-to-face consultations.

– Signposting: Directing individuals to specific public health interventions through signposting can be effective, especially if the individual is not familiar with the available services. This can be done through verbal or written communication or by providing information through websites or social media.

– Personalised support: Providing personalised support to individuals can help them feel more comfortable and supported in accessing public health interventions. This can include helping them navigate the referral process, providing emotional support, or accompanying them to appointments.

– Collaboration: Collaborating with other health and social care professionals, such as GPs or social workers, can help ensure that individuals receive the appropriate interventions and support. This can involve sharing information, coordinating care, or working together to develop a care plan.

2.5 The main types of mental ill health and their impact on people’s lives; indicators for mental capacity, the importance of early diagnosis in relation to cognitive issues; the possible signs of mental ill health and learning disability in people; why external factors, adapting from childhood to adulthood, why depression, delirium or the normal ageing process may be mistaken for mental ill health; how to report changes and deterioration; how to support others to report changes and deterioration, how to escalate changes and deterioration

Various forms of mental health include:

  • Bipolar disorder is typically characterised by periods of manic high, excessive energy, and occasionally depressive lows. It may have an impact on a person’s energy level and capacity for reasoned thought. Additionally, it is characterised by sharp mood swings.
  • Schizophrenia: a person with this condition frequently hears voices, has hallucinations, and is delusional. If this is not treated as soon as possible, it could be quite dangerous. Loss of perception of reality is a hallmark of schizophrenia.
  • Depression is a broad term that covers a range of severity in the condition, including milder and longer-lasting dysthymia. Depression is frequently distinguished by a sudden loss of interest in routine daily activities and a persistently negative attitude. Lethargy and constant fatigue are also part of it.
  • An individual may develop posttraumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, after experiencing or witnessing a highly traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, war, or abuse.
  • An individual with social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, may experience anxiety and trepidation when around other people. An individual may become withdrawn and hostile toward meeting new people as a result of this.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterised by uncontrollable and repetitive thoughts as well as obsessions and compulsions to perform unnecessary and unreasonable tasks. Even though the majority of people who have this condition are aware that their thoughts and actions are unnecessary and unreasonable, they still find it challenging to regulate and curb them on their own.

Although there is no single cause for mental ill health, rather it can be a result of biological, environmental and psychological factors. This can only be diagnosed and classified by a trained and experienced professional.

Common symptoms of mental ill health include;

  • Insomnia or lack of sleep
  • Constant fatigue despite enough rest and sleep
  • Loss of diet or overeating
  • Isolating from others and favourite activities
  • Lack of empathy or numbness
  • Feeling of hopelessness or helplessness.
  • Unusual increase in smoking and alcohol intake
  • Having unusual body pains or aches that cannot be explained.
  • Constant extreme mood swings which affect friendships or relationships.
  • Constantly picking fights and arguments with acquaintances and family.
  • Constantly hearing voices that are uncontrollable
  • Unable to perform daily activities and tasks.
  • Constant nightmares, flashbacks, or uncontrollable thoughts.
  • Suicidal and evil-intentioned thoughts.
  • A persistent, mysterious feeling of annoyance, forgetfulness, confusion, anxiety, anger, fear, or sadness.

Treatments for mental illness are typically based on the unique symptoms of the individual and aim to lessen symptoms, address underlying causes, and manage the condition. For an effective result, a single treatment option or a combination of treatment options may be used. The use of medication, such as anti-anxiety medications, mood stabilisers, antidepressants, and antipsychotic medications, as prescribed by a qualified professional, is one of the many ways that mental illness is treated and managed.

  • Facility and residential treatment: This may be required based on the expert’s recommendation following an assessment of the patient’s symptoms and maybe for a brief period.
  • Psychotherapy: This is typically carried out in conjunction with a qualified therapist and involves the use of dialogue to express the person’s feelings. Psychotherapy is frequently used as a form of treatment.
  • Lifestyle treatment and home remedies: this alternative therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatment plans, but using it exclusively won’t guarantee success.

The treatment plans entail making adjustments to daily routines or intakes that could precipitate or increase the likelihood of mental illness, such as a healthy eating plan, quitting using drugs and alcohol, etc.

Awareness of mental health issues is crucial and life-saving. While the majority of people are fairly familiar with the signs and symptoms of physical illnesses like heart attacks and strokes, they struggle to recognise the physical effects of panic attacks, anxiety, or OCD. Therefore, it is crucial to raise public awareness so that people are aware of the signs and symptoms of mental illness. This can be accomplished through public education and awareness campaigns, which will help people recognise the warning signs and symptoms and take the appropriate action to support those who are suffering from mental illnesses and manage them successfully.

1.1 Evaluate two different views on the nature of mental well-Being and mental health

There are two different views on the nature of mental well-being and mental health: the biological approach and the sociocultural approach.

The biological approach to mental well-being and mental health views mental health disorders as being caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, genetics, or physical injuries. This approach suggests that mental health problems can be treated through medication, therapy, or other medical interventions. It also emphasises the importance of a person’s physical health in relation to their mental health, as poor physical health can lead to mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. One argument for the biological approach is that it can provide a clear explanation for why certain individuals experience mental health problems and can help guide appropriate treatment plans. It also recognises that mental health disorders are not the fault of the individual and that they are not a personal weakness or moral failing.

However, the biological approach has been criticised for its reductionist view of mental health, as it only looks at individual biological factors and ignores the role of social and cultural factors. It also tends to stigmatise mental health disorders as being medical problems that require medical solutions, which can lead to a focus on medication rather than other forms of treatment, such as therapy or social support.

The sociocultural approach to mental well-being and mental health views mental health disorders as being influenced by a combination of biological, social, and cultural factors. This approach emphasises the role of social and cultural influences such as upbringing, family dynamics, cultural expectations, and societal norms in shaping an individual’s mental health. It also acknowledges that mental health disorders can be influenced by environmental stressors, such as poverty, trauma, or discrimination.

The sociocultural approach takes into account the complex and multifaceted nature of mental health, recognising that it is not just a matter of individual biology but also shaped by external factors. It also emphasises the importance of addressing social and cultural issues in order to promote mental well-being and prevent mental health disorders. However, the sociocultural approach has been criticised for potentially blaming individuals for their own mental health problems, as it suggests that they may be a result of poor upbringing or cultural influences. It can also be difficult to determine the specific role of social and cultural factors in mental health disorders, as they can be difficult to quantify and measure.

In conclusion, both the biological and sociocultural approaches offer valuable insights into the nature of mental well-being and mental health. While the biological approach focuses on individual biological factors, the sociocultural approach recognises the importance of social and cultural factors in shaping mental health. It is likely that mental health disorders are caused by a combination of both biological and social/cultural factors, and a more holistic approach that takes into account both of these perspectives may be the most effective in promoting mental well-being and treating mental health disorders.

1.2 Explain the range of factors that may influence mental well-Being and mental health problems across the life span

Over the course of time, a person’s mental health can be affected by a variety of factors. The majority of the time, events in a person’s early years, particularly in childhood and adolescence, can have an impact on their level of well-being and mental health as adults. Below are explanations of a few of these elements.

Biological factors: These factors include hereditary conditions, physical illness, bodily chemical imbalances, and family history. When there is a history of family hereditary, genetics, or cases of family members having a mental illness, the likelihood that an individual will experience some form of mental illness increases; this is especially true when there is a record of long-term illness by an individual or having a specific different chemical imbalance or genetic disorder.

Social factors: This may involve instances of marginalisation, poverty, deprivation, abuse, and discrimination. Being denied certain necessities of life or having access to activities that others take advantage of due to abuse, discrimination, or prejudice based on race, sexual orientation, colour, or because of financial incapacity can be unfair, causing an individual to withdraw, and have a negative impact on their wellbeing and mental health. The development of an individual in a setting that fosters social vices, such as one with a high crime rate, gang affiliations, increased drug and alcohol use, conflicts etc. The mental health and well-being of such individuals can be severely harmed by all of these.

Psychological factors: This can include the aftereffects of abuse that are either personal abuse inflicted by the individual, like drug or alcohol abuse, or abuse caused by others, like domestic abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, or aftereffects of trauma or stress from work or family in the past. All of these things have the potential to impact an individual’s mental health and well-being.

Emotional factors: Possible causes include things the person has gone through, like losing loved ones, coworkers, family, friends, a job, a career downturn, a broken relationship, a marriage ending in divorce, or being separated from one’s parents. All of these overwhelming emotional circumstances can have a negative effect on a person, which in turn has a negative impact on their mental health and well-being.

1.3 Explain how risk factors and protective factors influence levels of resilience in individuals and groups in relation to mental well-Being and mental health

The level of resilience in individuals and groups with regard to their mental well-being and mental health disposition is greatly influenced by both protective and risk factors. The capacity to bounce back from or overcome difficulties is referred to as resilience. Therefore, it means that people use the internal and external resources that they have access to, which are their protective factors, in order to overcome or recover from their challenges, which are the risk factors.

Risk factors are things that make it more likely for someone to experience or develop mental illness over the course of their lifetime. These characteristics or behaviours can also contribute to the emergence or deterioration of mental health conditions. The aftereffects of using drugs or alcohol, abuse, discrimination, trauma, isolation, neglect, abuse, illness, a lack of social interactions, a lack of resources, a low sense of self, etc., could all be included.

On the other hand, protective factors are characteristics that help protect individuals from the deterioration or development of their mental wellbeing and mental health and improve their capacity to deal with these difficulties. An individual can develop resilience to mental illness with the aid of factors like family ties, networks of like-minded friends and coworkers, active group participation, role models, positive influences, a sense of security, and values.

Risk and protective factors have various characteristics, such as:

  • They can be fixed and persistent throughout a person’s existence, meaning they be static or can change over time, such as inherited mood disorders. Being temporal means that they can alter whenever a person’s circumstances do, increasing the likelihood that their condition will also alter, such as when they change their friends or career path.
  • They exist in multiple dimensions of a person’s life, including the individual level, the level of their family and friends, and the level of their community. This is referred to as being multidimensional. These variables from one dimension can have an impact on the conditions in another dimension.
  • They are interactive, which suggests that they interact with one another and are connected. For instance, low levels of education and a propensity for illness are closely related to poverty, while active participation and concentration in class are related to high academic standing.

2.1 Explain the steps that an individual may take to promote their mental well-Being and mental health

While the individual has a significant role to play in achieving this, there are a variety of steps that can be taken to improve or maintain a person’s mental health and well-being, most of which cannot be done alone. These steps include seeking professional assistance, which may require going to a doctor or therapist where the person will be offered treatment or possibly referred to another resource.

In order to ensure the promotion of their mental health and well-being, it also calls for the individual to engage in some collaborative actions with others, such as;

  • Establishing and maintaining relationships with others in order to support one another’s mental health and general well-being. In order to receive support in connecting with others, an individual must make arrangements for a regular time or day out with family members. Connecting with others provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, helps to develop a sense of belonging and self-worth, and supports others while also providing support to others.
  • Meeting with friends or coworkers for lunch or dinner. While interacting with those people, be sure to turn off the TV and computer. They could use technology, such as video calls and Skype, to stay in touch with friends and family who live far away, but they should be careful not to rely on it excessively because it can develop into a habit.
  • Physical activity is good for your health and fitness, but it is also known to improve your mental well-being. For example, it can help you set and achieve goals, alter brain chemistry to improve mood, and increase self-esteem. In order to engage in physical activity safely, it is imperative to read up on it or conduct extensive research. If at all possible, it should be done in a group or pair. While being careful not to overpromote physical activity, find the type that suits you and have fun with it.
  • Learning new skills can also help one’s mental health by making it easier to connect with others, increase one’s self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as help one find their purpose in life. Even with limited time and low interest, there are many ways to learn new things. Trying out new hobbies like painting or writing, learning new cooking techniques, and mentoring underclassmen are just a few of the new skills you can learn. This should be fun to do and can be accomplished with interest.
  • Giving to others can boost morale and enhance mental health by fostering positive relationships, fostering a sense of purpose and self-worth, and eliciting positive emotions. This includes doing charitable work or volunteering.
  • Mindfulness: Being mindful of the present moment rather than dwelling on regrets from the past or worrying about the future is a good way to improve mental well-being. It aids in enhancing the enjoyment of life and aids in improving self-awareness.
  • Eating well: Eating well is a great way to improve your body, mood, energy, sleep, and immune system. It also helps your body fight off infections.
  • A good way to enhance mental health and well-being is by getting enough sleep, which revitalises both the body and the mind.

2.2 Explain how to support an individual in promoting their mental well-Being and mental health

The best advice is to use a person-centred approach to support an individual in promoting their mental well-being and mental health. This involves acknowledging that each individual is unique and that they each have their own specific needs, preferences, and wishes. Individuals must always have the freedom to make decisions on their own, free from outside influence. Therefore, in order to effectively support someone’s mental health and well-being, health and social care professionals must fully comprehend, get to know, and get along with the person they are supporting.

The majority of people in care need someone who is a good listener and compassionate. Stress can occasionally be reduced by people talking or conversing with their carers. The carer must make an effort to hear the patient without passing judgement.

In cases where the subject or circumstances are outside the care worker’s experience or area of expertise, it is best to refer such a situation to a more qualified or experienced colleague in order to avoid misleading or misinforming the individual and putting them in danger. Giving advice based on the care worker’s qualifications and experiences also assures and offers support to the individual. The carers and the individual in their care must have a clear understanding of their personal and professional relationship. The carer must always be mindful not to stray from their professional relationship.

To support their mental well-being and mental health, people can be urged to participate in group activities and to uphold positive relationships with friends and family. It is also possible to suggest volunteering as an activity that people can engage in to help boost their spirits and feel more fulfilled. Additionally, it’s a great way to unlock potential for oneself and other people by getting new skis. Other forms of assistance can encourage people to take more time off, go on vacation, change their diets, abstain from alcohol and other drugs, exercise more, and practise yoga and meditation.

Lastly, where applicable, it is helpful to point such individuals towards more resources or additional support.

2.3 Evaluate a strategy for supporting an individual in promoting their mental well-Being and mental health

Before evaluating a support strategy to advance a person’s mental health and well-being, collaboration with the person is required to learn about and identify their preferences and needs, as well as to help set realistic goals and objectives. Once the strategy is in place, it is necessary to conduct regular reviews to assess the procedure and look for any barriers or delays that may be keeping the person from achieving their goals. If the plan appears to be failing, now is your chance to change it. The person can partake in a variety of activities, such as drawing, knitting, cooking, serving the community, etc.

By participating in these activities, an individual can refocus their attention away from mental health issues and toward enjoyable activities that will improve their mental health and overall well-being. If such activities are based on the individual’s preferences, this will help to stimulate the person positively and make them eager to participate in tasks. The best course of action is to switch the activity to one that the person finds interesting and will therefore be more likely to have a positive effect on them if they show resistance to it. These activities encourage physical activity and aid in lowering drug and alcohol consumption.

Additionally, it helps individuals suffering from mental illnesses manage their physical health and enhance their physical appearance by shaving, bathing, getting haircuts, and dressing in clean clothes. These can also increase access to better management and treatments for mental illness.

2.4 Describe key aspects of a local, national or international strategy to promote mental well-Being and mental health within a group or community

The independent mental health task force of England published a national report titled “The five year forward view for mental health” in February 2016 that makes recommendations to the NHS for a more preventive approach to mental health by offering a round-the-clock service that integrates mental and physical health to promote good mental health and wellbeing.

There are several key aspects included in the strategy to promote mental well-being and mental:

Education and awareness: Providing information about mental health, the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions, and the importance of seeking help can help to reduce stigma and encourage people to seek support when needed. This can be done through a variety of methods, including workshops, talks, and campaigns.

Access to mental health services: Ensuring that people have access to mental health services, such as counselling and therapy, is an important aspect of promoting mental well-being. This involves working with local mental health organisations or agencies to provide these services or advocating for more funding or resources to be allocated to mental health care.

Social support: Providing social support to individuals can help to promote mental well-being. This includes establishing support groups, connecting people with community resources, and promoting social connectedness.

Stigma reduction: Stigma surrounding mental health can prevent people from seeking help and support when they need it. A mental health promotion strategy should aim to reduce stigma by promoting a more open and accepting attitude towards mental health and mental illness.

Access to mental health services: Ensuring that people have access to mental health services when they need them is an important part of any mental health promotion strategy. This includes providing information about where to find help, as well as ensuring that services are affordable and culturally appropriate.

Supportive environments: Creating environments that support mental well-being is an important part of a mental health promotion strategy. This includes promoting a culture of openness and acceptance, as well as providing resources and support for people who are struggling with mental health issues.

Prevention: A mental health promotion strategy should also include efforts to prevent mental health problems from occurring in the first place. This involves promoting healthy behaviours and lifestyles, as well as addressing social and environmental factors that can contribute to mental health problems.

Integration with other health and social services: A mental health promotion strategy should be integrated with other health and social services to ensure that people receive the support they need. This includes working with schools, workplaces, and community organisations to promote mental well-being and access to mental health services.

2.5 Evaluate a local, national or international strategy to promote mental well-Being and mental health within a group or community

The world health organisation (WHO) published a comprehensive mental health action plan for the years 2013 to 2020 with the following major goals:

Strengthen the mental health information system, evidence, and research. This is to make sure that mental health and well-being are both promoted and increased. It would increase public awareness of mental health, lessen the stigma frequently associated with mental illness, and conduct extensive research on various strategies for enhancing mental health at the local, state, federal, and internet levels.

Improve the governance and leadership for mental health. The purpose of this is to serve as a wake-up call and influence leadership at all levels to recognise the ongoing challenges that individuals with mental illnesses face on a daily basis. In addition to creating policies and legislation that would ensure equity and fairness to individuals, it alters government in a way that allows individuals with mental health challenges to have good structures in place for their welfare. It also ensures that institutions and their employees are well-regulated to prevent mishandling and other improper conduct.

– Put mental health promotion and prevention strategies into action. In order to provide a strong preventive approach when possible and try as hard as possible to eliminate the threats of abuse, stigmatisation, and discrimination which can trigger or compound mental ill health, this would ensure that adequate sensitisation of everyone on the indications and causes of mental health. The emphasis is now more on developing a preventive environment that will lower the incidence of mental ill health while promoting mental health and mental well-being because prevention is known to be safer and less expensive than treatments and medication.

– Offering complete social and mental health services in community-based settings. This is done to guarantee the availability of top-notch, all-inclusive mental health and social care services throughout the nation. This would make it simple and affordable to treat cases of mental ill health without people having to travel a great distance away from their area of residence in order to access healthcare facilities. It would also make the treatment and proper management of mental illness available and accessible by individuals throughout the country.



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