Home » Assessments » Health and Social Care » Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care » Unit 3: Promote Equality and Inclusion in Care Settings

Unit 3: Promote Equality and Inclusion in Care Settings

Level: Level 3 Diploma

1.1. Explain what is meant by:

A. Diversity

Diversity is the state of having a variety of different elements or qualities. In a social context, diversity is the representation of many different groups of people within a given area. This includes categories such as race, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical abilities, and more. The concept of diversity is closely linked to inclusion, as diversity requires acceptance and representation of all individuals. Diversity is important because it strengthens communities and organisations, helps foster innovation and creativity, and encourages mutual respect. It also creates a more inclusive and equitable environment, allowing everyone to feel valued and respected. Ultimately, diversity matters because it allows us to understand better and appreciate the different perspectives and experiences of those around us.

Diversity is not just about recognising differences but also about finding common ground and celebrating the unique strengths and experiences of each individual. Through it, we can work together to create a more equitable and just society.

B. Equality

Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. It is a fundamental human right and a core principle of democracy. Equality means that every individual is treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or any other characteristic. This requires an understanding of the differences between individuals and recognition of their inherent dignity and worth. Equality implies that everyone should have the same access to the same resources, services, and opportunities to develop their potential and contribute to society. It also means that everyone should be treated fairly and without any type of discrimination. In short, equality means that everyone should have the same opportunities and be treated with the same respect and dignity, regardless of their differences.

Equality is the key to creating a just and equitable society – one in which everyone has access to the same opportunities and can contribute to the betterment of the community. This helps to create a more cohesive and unified society where everyone is respected and has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

C. Inclusion

Inclusion is the practice of including all individuals, regardless of any differences they may have, in any environment or activity. This includes but is not limited to race, religion, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation. It seeks to create an atmosphere where everyone feels included and respected. The goal is to ensure that each individual’s unique skills and talents are celebrated while creating a sense of belonging within the group or organisation as a whole. This can be done through making accommodations for those with disabilities as well as implementing initiatives aimed at promoting diversity within an organisation, such as providing cultural training for staff members and engaging diverse communities in decision-making processes about issues that affect them directly. Inclusion also means recognising each person’s worth regardless of their background by allowing them equal access to opportunities available in schools and workplaces alike so that everyone has equitable chances of success throughout life stages.

Inclusion allows us to see beyond any perceived differences in order to make sure all members of a community are included and valued.

D. Discrimination

Discrimination is a form of unfair or unequal treatment directed towards an individual, group, or community. Discrimination can be based on various factors such as age, gender identity, disability status, and ethnicity. It occurs when individuals are mistreated due to their belonging to a certain category that may not necessarily reflect their actual abilities. Discrimination is characterised by behaviour which produces either intentional or unintentional effects that limit the full potential of people who belong to certain groups. It is important to recognise and challenge discrimination in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals.

1.2 Describe the potential effects of discrimination

Discrimination in health and social care can have many serious negative effects. Individuals may experience increased levels of stress, depression, or anxiety as a result of being treated unfairly due to their race, ethnicity, gender identity or disability. They might also feel like they are not receiving the same quality of care that other patients do; this could lead to poorer outcomes, such as delayed diagnoses and treatment recommendations. Furthermore, it can create mistrust between service users and practitioners, which could impede access to services when people need them most, leading to poorer health outcomes overall for these individuals compared with those who were not discriminated against.

Discrimination can also create an atmosphere where certain marginalised communities are silenced within healthcare settings, making it more difficult for these individuals’ voices to be heard during decision-making processes, meaning that their needs often go unaddressed, leading to poor quality service provision across the board, even if unintentional on the part of providers. In this context, there is evidence suggesting that social inequalities play a role in exacerbating the physical ailments of certain marginalised groups due to heightened levels of stress, inadequate housing and food insecurity.

Discrimination can lead to alienation for those affected, making it difficult for them to feel included or accepted within healthcare settings, leading them down a path that is not beneficial towards their physical and mental health. This can make individuals vulnerable as they become increasingly isolated with feelings of hopelessness regarding their situation, which may lead to an unwillingness to receive assistance due to distrust in service providers. Furthermore, social disparities created by discrimination could mean that individuals lack access to resources such as healthy food, medical insurance or transportation, further contributing to poor health outcomes overall.

Discrimination has long-lasting negative effects on the physical and mental well-being of individuals, whether intentional on the part of practitioners or otherwise, resulting in poorer overall care quality for marginalised communities who often need additional support from healthcare providers when seeking treatment.

1.3 Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity

Inclusive practice is a crucial component of providing quality health and social care services. It promotes equality and supports diversity by ensuring equal access to services, resources, and opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, disability, and other characteristics. It provides a framework for health and social care providers to ensure that all individuals have an equal chance at achieving their desired outcomes.

To promote inclusive practice, health and social care providers must ensure that all individuals are respected and have the same rights and opportunities to access the services and resources they need. This may include providing appropriate support and accommodations to individuals with disabilities, such as wheelchair access and sign language interpreters. It also involves taking into account cultural and religious practices when providing services, such as allowing for prayer or providing halal food options.

Inclusive practice also works to challenge discriminatory practices and attitudes. This involves promoting positive attitudes towards minority groups, encouraging acceptance of diversity, and challenging negative stereotypes. Health and social care providers should also educate themselves and their staff on diversity to ensure they are providing services that are respectful of an individual’s identity.

Additionally, inclusive practice works to ensure that access to services and resources is equitable. This means considering the different needs and situations of individuals and providing access to services and resources that are appropriate for those needs. For example, providing services in the home for elderly people who are unable to travel to a health care facility.

In conclusion, inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity in health and social care by providing equal access to services, resources, and opportunities, challenging discriminatory attitudes, and ensuring equitable access to services. It is essential to create an environment in which all individuals are respected and have the same opportunities to achieve their desired outcomes.

2.1 Explain how legislation, policy and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role

As a health and social care professional, I am aware of the importance of upholding the legislation, policies, and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity, and discrimination, these standards provide me with the guidance to ensure that I provide a safe, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for all my clients.

The Equality Act 2010 is the primary piece of legislation that applies to my work role, and it protects individuals from discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief. This means that I must ensure that all my services are provided in a way that is respectful of individuals’ different characteristics and that I take any necessary steps to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not disadvantaged in any way.

In addition to the Equality Act 2010, I also adhere to the Health and Social Care Act 2008, which states that it is my responsibility to promote the well-being of my clients and ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect. This means that I must be aware of any potential discrimination and take action to prevent it.

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides protection against discrimination for individuals who may lack the capacity to make certain decisions. The Mental Health Act 1983 requires that mental health services be provided in a way that is non-discriminatory and promotes equality of opportunity. The Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set out specific requirements for protecting individuals’ data and sensitive information and set out individual rights to information and privacy.

Furthermore, I am also guided by the Code of Practice on the English Language Requirement for Public Sector Workers, which states that I must not discriminate against anyone based on their language skills. This means that I must ensure that I offer services that are accessible to those who may not have a high level of proficiency in the English language.

I also ensure that I abide by the Code of Practice on the Duty to Promote Equality and Diversity. This outlines my responsibilities to promote equality and diversity in my work role, including taking steps to eliminate discrimination, harassment, and victimisation and understanding the principles of equality and diversity.

I take my responsibilities for promoting equality, diversity and non-discrimination very seriously. I do my best to abide by the relevant legislation, policies and codes of practice so that I can provide the best possible service to all of my clients.

3.3 Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change

As a health and social care professional, it is important to be aware of discrimination and its potential to create a negative environment for clients. Challenging discrimination is a key part of addressing it and promoting change.

The first step in challenging discrimination is to identify it, which means being aware of the different types of discrimination and recognising them, such as ageism, ableism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and more. Once identified, action must be taken to challenge the discrimination, such as speaking up and challenging discriminatory language or practices or actively seeking out and supporting inclusive and non-discriminatory services.

It is important to ensure that the language used within the workplace is respectful and non-discriminatory. This includes not only the language used when speaking to clients but also the language used when referring to them. For example, using the correct pronoun when referring to gender-diverse individuals.

It is also essential to have a system in place for clients to report any discrimination they experience. Health and social care professionals should take such reports seriously and take appropriate action, such as speaking to the perpetrator, providing support to the client, or referring them to a specialist service.

To ensure that services provided are accessible and inclusive of all clients, creating an environment that is welcoming to individuals of different backgrounds, providing support in different languages, and offering services specific to particular needs should be considered.

Challenging discrimination is a crucial part of promoting change as a health and social care professional. This includes identifying discrimination, taking action, using respectful language, creating an accessible environment, and having a system in place for clients to report any discrimination they experience. By implementing these steps, health and social care professionals can ensure they are creating an inclusive, respectful, and supportive environment for all clients.


  • Braye, Suzy, and Michael Preston-Shoot. “The Care Act 2014.” Wellbeing in Practice, 2019.
  • Higgins, Jane. “Promoting Equality and Diversity in Care | Conduct, Tips & Acts.” CPD Online College, 14 Sept. 2020, cpdonline.co.uk/knowledge-base/care/promoting-equality-diversity-in-care.
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  • Petty, Louise. “How to: Promoting Equality and Diversity in Health & Social Care.” The Hub | High Speed Training, 20 Apr. 2018, www.highspeedtraining.co.uk/hub/promoting-equality-diversity-health-social-care.
  • Commission, Care Quality. “Equality and Human Rights in Health and Social Care | by Care Quality Commission | Medium.” Medium, 9 Mar. 2021, carequalitycomm.medium.com/equality-and-human-rights-in-health-and-social-care-5475af7b2108.
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  • England, NHS. “NHS England: Equality, Diversity and Health Inequalities.” NHS England Equality, Diversity and Health Inequalities, www.england.nhs.uk/about/equality.
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  • Jordan, Alyssa. “Importance of Diversity in Healthcare and How to Promote It | Provo College.” Provo College, 1 June 2022, www.provocollege.edu/blog/the-importance-of-diversity-in-healthcare-how-to-promote-it.
  • “Why Is Equality and Diversity Important? | Care Advice Buckinghamshire.” Buckinghamshire Council, careadvice.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/information-and-advice/why-is-equality-diversity-important.
  • “Equality Act 2010 – Overview for Social Care.” Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), 1 Dec. 2020, www.scie.org.uk/key-social-care-legislation/equality-act.

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