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1 – CC03 Care for Individuals with Urethral Catheter

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1.1 Summarise the current legislation, national guidelines, policies, protocols and good practice related to caring for individuals with urethral catheters

There are a number of guidelines and policies which may be relevant to the care of individuals with urethral catheters. For example, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) recommends that people should not have long-term continence measures such as urinary retention belts and suprapubic cysts unless absolutely necessary and that they should be reviewed at regular intervals. The RCN also recommends that people using urinary retention devices should receive intensive support from a health professional, including nutrition education, counselling on behavioural issues and bladder retraining exercises.

In terms of protocols and good practice, some of the key considerations include:

  • Insertion and maintenance of urethral catheters: It is important to follow proper infection control procedures when inserting and maintaining urethral catheters to reduce the risk of infection. This includes hand hygiene, sterile technique, and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate.
  • Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs): It is important to follow guidelines for preventing CAUTIs, including regular catheter care and management, such as ensuring the catheter is properly secured and inspecting the catheter and urine for signs of infection.
  • Pain management: It is important to ensure that individuals with urethral catheters are comfortable and do not experience pain or discomfort. This may involve providing pain relief medication as needed and ensuring that the catheter is not causing irritation.
  • Communication and informed consent: It is important to ensure that individuals with urethral catheters are fully informed about the procedure and its risks and benefits and that they give their consent before the catheter is inserted.
  • Discontinuation of urethral catheters: It is important to carefully assess the need for a urethral catheter and to discontinue it as soon as it is no longer medically necessary. This can help to reduce the risk of complications and ensure that individuals are able to return to their normal activities as soon as possible.

The NHS Choices website provides further information about continence devices, including advice on selecting the right device for an individual and information about maintaining good continence.

UK healthcare professionals are expected to abide by national guidelines, such as those from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), which recommend that all individuals using urinary retention devices should be offered behavioural counselling, bladder retraining exercises and regular reviews. The RCP also recommends that people using long-term continence measures should receive nutritional education and stress management support and be given access to social activities.

Furthermore, the Department of Health (DoH) has issued guidance on the safe use of urinary retention devices, which includes advice on how to minimise the risk of infection and damage to the device. For example, DoH recommends using a disposable catheter every time, cleaning and disinfecting the device after each use, and checking for signs of wear or tear. Study materials and AI study tools on mawcloud.com

The Care Act 2014 also states that all individuals must be provided with high-quality care, which should take into account their physical and psychological needs. As part of this requirement, healthcare professionals must ensure the dignity and independence of those in their care by providing a safe environment for them to use any medical device they need to manage their continence issues.

Legislation such as the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and the Equality Act (2010) also govern how people with disabilities are treated. Healthcare professionals must abide by these laws when caring for individuals with urethral catheters, as failure to do so may lead to criminal prosecution. In addition, healthcare professionals should always take into account the wishes of their patients in terms of treatment options, allowing them to make informed choices about their care whenever possible.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Explain own responsibilities and accountability in relation to current legislation, national guidelines, organisational policies and protocols which affect work practice when carrying out care activities for individuals with urethral catheters
  • 2.1 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the lower urinary tract of:
    a. Male
    b. Female
  • 2.2 Describe lower urinary tract functions and continence status
  • 2.3 Describe the causative factors which determine the need for urethral urinary catheters
  • 2.4 Explain the effects of urethral catheterisation on an individual’s comfort and dignity
  • 3.1 Describe catheter care equipment that can be used to meet individuals’ specific needs
  • 3.2 Describe the types of catheter care advice to give to individuals
  • 3.3 Describe when to undertake urinalysis, obtain a catheter specimen of urine (CSU) or screen for multi-Resistant bacteria
  • 3.4 Describe the indications, mode of action, risks, side-Effects, cautions, contra-Indications and potential interactions of urethral catheter care
  • 3.5 Describe the medication, antibiotics, anaesthetic agents and associated solutions used for individuals with urethral catheters

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