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10.1 – Unit 342 Supporting infection prevention and control in adult care

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1.1 Explain how infections are spread

Infections are spread when an individual comes in contact with a virus, bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause disease. These infectious agents can be transmitted through various ways, including direct contact, indirect contact, droplet transmission and airborne particles.

Direct Contact occurs when a person comes into close physical proximity with another person who is already infected; this could be from touching someone who has the infection or coming in direct skin-to-skin contact during activities such as sexual intercourse.

Indirect contact occurs if someone touches an object contaminated with the infection and then touches his/her own eyes, mouth or nose without washing their hands first; this could occur while playing sports involving equipment shared by multiple players.

Droplet Transmission happens when tiny droplets containing infectious agents are exhaled by people speaking or coughing nearby; these particles linger for some time, and anyone inhaling them may become ill.

Airborne Particles involve small aerosolised fragments of bacteria which remain suspended in air currents over long distances allowing infections to travel large areas quickly via ventilation systems and air conditioning units indoors, where they contaminate surfaces and items touched by many people at once, creating conditions ripe for mass outbreaks of certain diseases like influenza (flu).

The best way to reduce the spread of infection is to practice good hygiene, such as regular hand washing, avoiding touching your face with unclean hands and keeping a clean living environment. It is also important to limit contact with people who are already ill and stay away from large gatherings in areas where infectious diseases are known to be present. Vaccines can also play an essential role in preventing infections from spreading by strengthening individuals’ immune systems against potential illnesses before they come into contact with them.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Explain how breaking the chain of infection minimises the spread of infection.
  • 1.3 Describe the principles of infection control
  • 1.4 Explain how infection prevention policies and guidelines can be applied in own work setting
  • 1.5 Identify differences in the ways in which infection prevention and control policies and guidance are implemented in a range of work settings.
  • 2.6 Describe how to manage spilled blood and other body fluids in line with policies and guidance
  • 2.9 Describe the functions of external bodies in supporting infection prevention and control in the work setting
  • 3.3 Explain why particular devices need special handling to minimise the spread of infection
  • 4.1 Describe how to work with others to identity infection outbreaks in own work setting
  • 4.2 Explain how to work with others to implement policies and procedures following an infection outbreak
  • 4.3 Describe how to provide sufficient information about outbreaks to individuals and others
  • 4.4 Describe ways to ensure that infection control measures and care is provided to the individual in the most appropriate place
  • 4.5 Explain how to access additional guidance to manage infection prevention and control incidents effectively.
  • 5.1 Explain the process for sharing information about infections and suspected infections within own work setting
  • 5.2 Describe processes for reporting accidents and incidents relating to infection prevention and control within own work setting

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