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3 – AN28 – Undertake agreed pressure area care

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1.1 Describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores

The anatomy of the skin is comprised of three layers: the epidermis, or outer layer, which provides a waterproof barrier that protects us from viruses and bacteria; the dermis, a dense network consisting primarily of collagen fibres produced by fibroblasts in addition to various other cell types that are responsible for providing strength, elasticity, and support structures throughout our body; and the subcutaneous fat tissue beneath both these layers, which acts as an insulation material keeping us warm during colder temperatures and helping to maintain overall structure due to its high degree of adipose content found among adults around the trunk region specifically.

In relation to the development of pressure sores, when excessive amounts of force remain present at any given area over a prolonged period of time, tissues begin to collapse due to a decrease in circulation that causes ischemia and eventual necrosis (death) of skin cells. This process can be further exacerbated by the presence of various other external factors, such as moisture build-up from sweat production, which help create an ideal environment for microbial proliferation leading to localised infection, commonly known as bed sores or decubitus ulcers, depending on the severity level. In order to prevent this occurrence, it is important to keep proper posture alignment while using supportive equipment whenever necessary, taking breaks during long periods of sitting down, and frequently changing body positions to help reduce discomfort levels associated with longer durations spent without moving around much.

This helps relieve any unwanted pressure points being placed against underlying surface structures located within the immediate vicinity of the areas affected over extended time-frames continuously. In order to intervene efficiently, medical intervention may become necessary when the situation calls for it, and it is best to act in advance, whenever possible, to avoid potential complications associated with a worsening condition.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2 Identify pressure sites of the body

  • 1.3 Identify factors which might put an individual at risk of skin breakdown and pressure sores

  • 1.4 Describe how incorrect handling and moving techniques can damage the skin

  • 1.5 Identify a range of interventions that can reduce the risk of skin breakdown and pressure sores

  • 1.6 Describe changes to an individual’s skin condition that should be reported

  • 2.1 Identify legislation and national guidelines affecting pressure area care

  • 2.2 Describe agreed ways of working relating to pressure area care

  • 2.3 Describe why team working is important in relation to providing pressure area care

  • 3.1 Describe why it is important to follow the agreed care plan

  • 3.3 Identify any concerns with the agreed care plan prior to undertaking the pressure area care

  • 3.5 Identify the pressure area risk assessment tools which are used in own work area

  • 3.6 Explain why it is important to use risk assessment tools

  • 4.1 Identify a range of aids or equipment used to relieve pressure

  • 4.2 Describe safe use of aids and equipment

  • 4.3 Identify where up-to-date information and support can be obtained about:
    a. Materials
    b. Equipment
    c. Resources

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