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3- HSC CM1: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care

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1.1.     Define the terms:

  • Equality
  • Diversity
  • Inclusion
  • Discrimination

Equality means impartiality in the treatment of everyone with their individuality and specific needs put into consideration. When equality is in play, no one should be above the other as everyone is entitled to any service they require at any point in time in accordance with their requirements.

In health and social care settings, equality requires that individuals must get the premium care they deserve–irrespective of who they are or how what their conditions are; all individuals must be treated based on their personal needs and preferences.

Diversity refers to the situation whereby people are valued and accorded the same respect despite their difference in culture, age, gender, background, colour, job role, etc.

The quality of care delivered to a particular service user must not differ from the other person’s because of differences in the colour of their skin, gender, religious beliefs, culture, or sexual orientation. This doesn’t just apply to service users but also applies to colleagues and the larger society.

Inclusion is when individuals are embraced and fully accepted as a member of a particular society or a group of people regardless of their differences. It feels good and fulfilling when one is included to participate to be a member of a team with adequate support and respect, irrespective of what the individual’s differences are.

Inclusion boosts an individual’s morale. Inclusion is usually a perceivable evidence of equality and diversity.

Discrimination: When individuals are judged, stereotyped, shown a lack of concern, denied opportunities, or suffer any form of unjust treatment as a result of their differences or their association with a particular group, this can be termed as discrimination. Discrimination can occur by merely showing prejudice because of the race a particular person belongs.

The health and social setting must try everything possible to avoid placing one service user above the other, and treat each person as an individual; everyone should be given premium care regardless of their difference and should not be discriminated against.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Explain how rights are promoted in health and social care services.
  • 1.3. Discuss ethical dilemmas that may arise when balancing individual rights and duty of care
  • 2.1. Explain how to promote equality and support diversity.
  • 2.2. Describe how to challenge those not working inclusively in a way that promotes change
  • 2.3. Explain how to support others in promoting equality and rights
  • 3.1. Summarise legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity, inclusion and discrimination.
  • 4.1. Evaluate the role of the health and social care practitioner in meeting individuals’ needs through inclusive practice

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