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3 – Reflective Account- Promote equality and diversity in care settings

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 Reflective Account using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle:


I recently worked with a client named Mr John, who had a physical disability and required support with his daily living activities. Mr John was from a different cultural background and had different beliefs and values compared to my own. The client was a middle-aged man who had an accident that left him paralysed from the waist down. He was unable to move or stand on his own and needed assistance with his daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, and toileting. He was also dependent on a wheelchair for mobility. He had a wife and three children who lived with him and provided him with emotional support and helped him with his daily activities.


I felt a sense of uncertainty and nervousness when working with this client, as I was unsure if I would be able to understand and respect his beliefs and values. I was also concerned about providing the necessary care and support for the client’s physical needs. I felt a sense of empathy towards the client as he was dealing with a physical disability that greatly impacted his daily life. I felt guilty for not being able to understand his culture and beliefs and for not being able to provide the best care for him. I also felt a sense of…….

Learning outcomes covered in the full document:

For this task, you are working towards unit criteria 3.1 and 3.2. You are required to write a reflective account how you promote diversity, equality and inclusion at work. Be sure to cover the following:

  • Model inclusive practice
  • Support others to promote equality and rights

Please ensure that you follow the guide below on how to give a reflective account.

  • Description of the experience
  • Feelings and thoughts about the experience
  • Evaluation of experience, both good and bad
  • Analysis to make sense of the situation
  • Conclusion about what you learned and what you could have done differently
  • Action Plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future or general changes you might find appropriate.

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