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5 – HSC CM7: Sociological Perspectives in Health and Social Care

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1.1. Summarise the sociological approach to the study of human behaviour.

The sociological approach to the study of human behaviour is to examine how social structures, institutions and relationships affect individuals and groups. The sociological approach to studying human behaviour looks at how the different parts of society (e.g. family, education, work, government, religion) impact the way people think, feel and behave. Researchers in this field try to understand how social change happens, how people interact with each other, and how social problems develop.

Social cohesion is the idea that people in a society are bound together by shared values, beliefs and norms. It is the glue that holds a society together and gives its members a sense of belonging. Social cohesion is important for the stability and functioning of a society.

Norms are the expectations that society has for the behaviour of its members. These expectations are usually unspoken and understood through socialisation. Values are the beliefs that a society has about what is good, bad, right, and wrong. These beliefs guide the actions of individuals and groups. For example, in many societies, it is a norm to shake hands when you meet someone. This is a way of showing respect.

Culture is the beliefs, customs, and values that define a group of people. It is passed down from generation to generation and shapes how people think, feel, and behave. Subcultures are groups of people within a culture that have their own unique beliefs, values, and customs. For example, in the UK, there are subcultures of punk rockers, goths, and hipsters.

Social institutions are organised patterns of beliefs and behaviours that exist in societies. They provide stability and order in society by creating rules that dictate how people should behave. In the society, there are four major social institutions which are family, education, religion, and government. The family is the most basic social institution. It is a group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption. The family provides love, support, and security. It also teaches children the values and behaviours that are important in society. The education system is another social institution. It is responsible for teaching children the skills and knowledge they need to function in society. Schools also teach children about the values and beliefs of the society. Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that helps people to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Religion also provides a sense of community and belonging. The government is responsible for protecting the rights of citizens and ensuring that the laws of the society are followed. The government also provides services that improve the quality of life of citizens.

Social roles are the patterns of behaviour that are expected of individuals in particular social positions. For example, the role of a doctor is to diagnose and treat illness, the role of a teacher is to educate, and the role of a parent is to care for and nurture their children. We learn social roles through socialisation, which is the process by which we learn the norms and values of

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Describe sociological perspectives.
  • 1.3. Describe in relation to health and social care:
    – Social realism
    – Social constructionism
    – Labelling theory
  • 1.4. Describe the biomedical, social and ecological models of health and well-being.
  • 2.1. Explain the social classes recognised in own Home Nation.
  • 2.2. Explain patterns of health across social classes.
  • 2.3. Explain how demographic data is used in planning health and social care services.
  • 2.4. Explain sociological explanations for the patterning of mortality and morbidity rates in the demographic groups:
    – Gender
    – Age
    – Ethnicity
    – Area of residence

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