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5- Promote Equality and Inclusion in the care setting

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1.1 Explain what is meant by:

  • Diversity
  • Equality
  • Inclusion
  • DIscrimination

Diversity: This term refers to the various traits and qualities that each person can possess and which make them distinctive.  Culture, age, religion, sexual orientation, physical appearance, culture, family structure, ability, disabilities, social background, and ethnicity are all included. The inclusion of differences by acknowledging that every individual or group is unique in some ways is another way to define diversity. It also suggests that people should treat one another with respect and consideration for their differences in culture, worth, and way of life. In social health care, diversity is crucial because:

  • It encourages better care for diverse populations
  • It boosts the morale of employees
  • It encourages people to be more motivated.
  • It increases employee retention.

Equality is the simple principle that everyone should be treated equally and have access to the same opportunities, despite any differences in their backgrounds, ideologies, or affiliations.

For instance, it is appropriate to take into account individuals with typical challenges when preparing dissemination of information by making sure that such information/document is also prepared in Braille/audio formation in order to not deny them the opportunity to also be aware of the information being passed.

Inclusion: Ensuring that each individual is included in an activity or a group with others and that each participant has the option to participate however they choose is what is meant by inclusion. Equal rights and diversity are related to inclusion. In order to include and treat all individuals equally, it is crucial to becoming aware of each person’s differences and preferences. If an individual is unable to participate in activities like others, they may feel excluded. Every worker in the health and social care sector must make sure their workplace is inclusive so that everyone can participate fairly.

Discrimination is when an individual receives a different treatment based on an assumption made about them or their group’s characteristics. This behaviour is frequently motivated by prejudice, labelling, or stereotypes. Discrimination against particular groups or individuals is caused by a variety of negative societal behaviours and attitudes, but it must be utterly eradicated in health and social care. Some forms of discrimination are intentional and obvious; these are referred to as deliberate or direct discrimination. As an illustration, consider how people with limited mobility who use wheelchairs are excluded from or prevented from entering a location. Other types of discrimination may occur accidentally or intentionally and go undetected.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Describe the potential effects of discrimination
  • 1.3. Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity
  • 2.1. Explain how legislation, policy and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply to own work role
  • 3.3. Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that promotes change

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