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6 – HSC CM8: Working in Health and Social Care

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1.1 Describe the relationship between legislation, policies and procedures.

Legislation, policies, and procedures are related in that all three play a role in the way an organisation executes its policies. Legislation establishes the parameters for how an organisation must operate; policy statements define what actions should be taken within those guidelines, and procedural rules dictate how these actions should be carried out.

In the UK, legislation is often drafted by the government and then adopted by parliament. Once enacted, it becomes law and can be enforced through executive action or judicial review. Policies are guided by legislation and created by management, often in written form. They may be updated or replaced as necessary but generally remain static until they are superseded by new policies. Procedures are detailed instructions that tell employees how to carry out policy directives. They may be created specifically for a given task or situation, or they might reflect standard operating procedures across an organisation.

In health and social care, for example, legislation often deals with matters such as who is eligible for care, what services must be provided, and who pays for them. Policies outline the goals of service provision and set out clear guidelines for how staff should interact with patients. Procedures provide specific instructions on how to carry out policy directives in a safe and efficient manner.

This relationship is often hierarchical, with legislation setting the broad parameters and policies defining how those parameters should be interpreted and implemented, while procedures provide detailed instructions on how to carry out policy directives.

It is critical to understand the relationship between legislation, policies, and procedures in order to effectively implement an organisation’s policies. Improperly drafted or implemented policies can have significant negative consequences for employees and customers.


Policies and procedures

Legislation is the law that gives permission to an organisation (eg. Health and social care) to provide service in a controlled and structured manner.

They talk about the activities of health and social care organisations, they also set out how every organisation is committed to and plans to put into practice all relevant legislative requirement to govern that sector.

It also enables sectors to source for funds to be able to run their sector legally.

They regulate and provide structure for guiding organisation activities and working practice.

Legislation is the basis of all organisation policies and procedures in health and social care settings.

They vary between health and social care organisation because they reflect different organisation’s activities, purpose and values

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Summarise legislation in relation to health and social care.
  • 1.3. Analyse how legislation informs policies and procedures in health and social care provision.
  • 2.1. Explain reasons for professional standards and codes of practice within the health and social care sector.
  • 2.2. Summarise requirements of professional standards and codes of practice.
  • 3.1. Explain the functions of national and local health and social care provision.
  • 3.2. Describe factors that influence national and local service delivery.
  • 4.1. Explain the roles and responsibilities of health and social care practitioners.
  • 4.2. Describe different working relationships in health and social care settings.
  • 4.3. Explain the need for health and social care practitioners to adhere to the boundaries of their own job role.

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