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HSC CM8: Working in Health and Social Care

1.1 Describe the relationship between legislation, policies and procedures.

There is a complex relationship between legislation, policies and procedures. Each one can affect the other in different ways, depending on the context and situation. Legislation is made up of documented words by the government that set out the rules by which a country or community operates. Policies are sets of guidelines or recommendations that outline how an organisation should behave in specific situations. Procedures are steps or activities involved in carrying out policies.

Legislation, policies and procedures can work together to create a coherent system. For example, a law might say that all children must attend school, but it’s up to the school district how they go about ensuring this happens. This is where policies come into play; schools may have their own policy on how parents can sign their children out of school. Procedures would include things like having parents fill out a form and provide ID in order for the child to be absent without permission.

All three elements are important in creating an effective system. If one element is not working correctly or isn’t supported by the other two, it can lead to problems and chaos. In the health and social care sector, it is important for everyone involved – from legislators who create laws to administrators who implement them and health and social care practitioners who must follow them –to understand how each element works together so that everything runs smoothly.

They must be updated regularly in order to reflect changes in society and the world around us. For example, if a new technology comes out that could help improve the way health and social care is delivered and the legislation mandates it, then policies might need to be changed in order to reflect this. Procedures would need to be updated so that staff are trained on how to use the new technology.

Finally, all three elements must be tested and evaluated on a regular basis in order to make sure that they’re working as intended. This includes looking at how people are using them, what problems have arisen and how best to address them, and ensuring that the system is cost-effective.

1.2. Summarise legislation in relation to health and social care.

The NHS is a statutory public service in the United Kingdom that provides health care for citizens and non-citizens. The Department of Health (DH) is responsible for the administration and management of the NHS. The DH also oversees social care services, which are provided by local authorities under contracts with DH. Some legislations related to health and social care are summarised below:

The Care Act 2014 established a new framework for delivering social care services in England. Under this framework, local authorities will be responsible for providing essential community support services, such as domiciliary support and home care assistance, to residents who need them most. In addition, local authorities will be able to provide residential accommodation and other supports to meet the needs of people with complex needs or disabilities who require long-term care or accommodation outside their homes.

The Social Care Act of 2007 introduced a number of reforms aimed at improving how social care is delivered in England. These reforms include changes to how funding is allocated between different types of social provision (such as housing, personal social welfare provision, education and training ), changes to registration requirements for providers of social services and the establishment of a National Care Framework.

The Data Protection Act 1998 is a UK law that sets out the conditions under which personal data can be processed. It covers all types of data, including personal information collected for employment purposes, health care, financial transactions and contact details. The Act gives individuals the right to know what personal data has been collected about them and the right to have it erased or corrected if it is inaccurate or incomplete. In addition, individuals have the right to object to the processing of their data for purposes that do not comply with the conditions of the Act.

The Children’s Act 1998 is a UK law that sets out the rights of children, including the right to be protected from harm, the right to education and health care, and the right to have a say in what happens to them. The Children’s Act 2004 introduced several changes to how child welfare is delivered in England.

The Human Rights Act 1998 is a UK law that sets out the fundamental rights that everyone in the UK has. These rights include the right to life, liberty, security and privacy. The Act also gives individuals the right to access information about how their personal data is being processed and the right to complain if they feel their rights have been violated.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is a UK body that was established in 2007 to ensure that health and social care services are of high quality. Providers of children and adult services must register with the CQC if they wish to provide services in England. The CQC has the power to investigate any allegations of misconduct by health and social care providers, issue remedial notices, suspend or withdraw registration from providers, and take other appropriate action. Furthermore, the CQC has the power to require health and social care providers to supply information about their services.

1.3. Analyse how legislation informs policies and procedures in health and social care provision.

Health and social care legislation is a key source of guidance for policymakers and administrators. It sets the legal framework for service delivery, including definitions of statute terms. It also defines rights and responsibilities for accessing these services for individuals or groups who need them. Specific provisions in health and social care legislation may specify types or categories of services that must be provided (such as mental health services), how they should be delivered (in an ambulatory setting rather than inpatient facilities), or what conditions must be met before a service can be provided (the individual receiving the service must have the capacity to consent).

Duty of care is an important principle in health and social care legislation. People who care for others (like a parent or nurses) must act in their patient’s best interests. This duty can be hard to enforce, but it’s crucial for providing good care. Everyone who needs health and social care services must have access, regardless of income. This principle is enshrined in many forms of health and social care legislation, from minimum funding levels required by certain programmes to laws mandating equal access for all people regardless of income or wealth.

Numerous other principles guide government policy on health and social care provision, such as promoting innovation, ensuring public safety, providing support where needed, respecting individual rights, protecting vulnerable members of society, and fostering community engagement.

Protocol: Providers must follow government policy directives and protocols to meet these requirements. These can vary from organisation to organisation but often include treating everyone the same, providing clear and concise information, responding promptly when contacted, etc.

All health and social care services must follow protocol, but providers must also consider patients’ needs. Each situation must be handled individually rather than using a rigid template that doesn’t take patient circumstances into account.

Protocol-based health and social care delivery is key to meeting legal requirements. It allows providers to operate consistently across settings and populations while protecting patients.

Guidance: Legislation can guide policy or procedure. This is done by providing examples of following the policy or procedure. Government departments, official publications, and online resources offer this type of guidance. It can be updated to reflect changes in government policy or health and social care best practices.

Public confidence: Policies and procedures play an important role in building public confidence in the health and social care system. This is because they demonstrate that providers follow clear, uniform rules, which means that patients can be confident that their needs will always be met. Furthermore, protocols can help reduce the number of complaints received by service providers because patients understand precisely what is expected of them in order to receive quality care. Policies and procedures are an important part of ensuring high-quality health and social care services for all, regardless of where they live or who provides them. Furthermore, they give people who rely on these services a sense of security and contribute to public trust in the sector.

Continuity: When designing protocols, service providers must consider continuity. Continuity means patients should receive the same level of care from the same provider regardless of their circumstances. If a patient moves, care providers must ensure that their treatment plan is still effective. If a service user’s health or mental state changes, providers must respond. Continuity promotes public confidence in health and social care services by ensuring quality care for individual patients. By ensuring consistency and predictability, policymakers can trust that health and social care will always meet people’s needs.

Safeguarding public safety: Policies and procedures must ensure public safety. Health and social care providers could endanger the public without proper safeguards. If a patient falls and breaks their arm, providers should treat it correctly to avoid further complications. Staff must protect themselves and others if a patient becomes agitated or violent during treatment. To avoid putting patients or bystanders at risk, protocols must consider all aspects of health and social care.

2.1. Explain reasons for professional standards and codes of practice within the health and social care sector.

Professional standards and codes of practice are critical for ensuring the safety, quality, and well-being of people who use health and social care services. They provide practitioners with a framework to follow in order to provide safe, effective services that meet the needs of their patients or clients.

Professional bodies (such as the National Health Service Commissioning Board or the Royal College of Nursing) establish professional standards in response to concerns about quality or patient safety. They typically include specific requirements for practitioners to follow in order to maintain good practice. Different types of organisations (such as regulators like NICE) create codes of practice, which usually have broader goals than those outlined in professional standards (for example, promoting best practices).

The primary distinction between professional standards and codes of practice is that professional standards apply specifically to healthcare professionals (for example, nurses), whereas codes of practice may be applied more broadly across various sectors, including nursing homes.

Reasons for professional standards include:

  • Ensuring a safe and ethical practice for practitioners: Professional standards help to protect both patients and healthcare workers by outlining clear expectations about how care should be provided, what practices are acceptable or unacceptable, as well as measures that need to be taken in the event of an error or incident.
  • Encouraging collaboration between professionals within the health and social care sector: These standards often outline roles and responsibilities, which allows different practitioners to understand whom they can rely on during certain circumstances while also promoting transparency amongst teams ensuring everyone has access to relevant information when required.
  • Ensuring public safety: Standards provide assurance that all services follow recognised guidelines, so there is no danger posed by unprofessional behaviour such as inappropriate touching etc. Additionally, these guidelines support patient confidentiality meaning any private information gathered remains confidential at all times; only shared with those needing access, like other members of staff (if it relates directly)
  • Improving quality service: By setting high-quality professional standard expectancies, this provides guidance on good practice procedures allowing best practice systems aligned with current research, making sure people receiving treatments get better outcomes from their experiences.

Reasons for codes of practice include:

  • Providing a clear framework of ethical and professional conduct – Codes of practice provide guidance on how practitioners should behave in their interactions with patients, colleagues and members of the public. This helps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly regardless of who they are or where they come from.
  • Encouraging consistency – having a set code for all professionals to follow reduces individual variation, meaning those receiving care can trust service providers will act according to what’s expected.
  • Enhancing standards within healthcare provision – Standards serve as benchmarks against which services can be measured; this promotes accountability in providing consistently high-quality care across the sector.
  • Supporting legal obligations– Many codes provide advice on best practices while also clarifying requirements under relevant law so both staff and users know what must be done when encountering certain scenarios.

2.2. Summarise requirements of professional standards and codes of practice.

Meeting the needs of patients, maintaining confidentiality and protecting personal information, adhering to codes of practice and guidelines, and participating in continuing education to maintain their skills and knowledge are all examples of professional standards for healthcare professionals.

Specific procedures that must be followed in order to provide quality healthcare services are outlined in codes of practice. They should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are in line with current best practices. Professional standards and codes of practice may have different requirements depending on the jurisdiction, but they will usually include minimum requirements such as training requirements or ethics restrictions.

Regulations establish the minimum standards for professional standards and codes of practice. These regulations vary by jurisdiction but typically require healthcare professionals to meet certain training requirements or adhere to specific ethical constraints. Furthermore, public expectations frequently play a significant role in determining what is expected of healthcare professionals.

The public expects healthcare professionals to provide quality, safe, and effective services. Professional standards and codes of practice are designed to meet these expectations while also protecting patients’ privacy. Codes of practice should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they are up to date and reflect the most recent best practices.

Other requirements that may be included in professional standards or codes of practice include continuing education requirements, documentation requirements, and regulatory agency compliance. Healthcare professionals must be aware of and follow any laws or regulations that may apply to their profession.

3.1. Explain the functions of national and local health and social care provision.

National health and social care providers aim to ensure that all citizens have access to the necessary medical and social support services. This can include health screening, diagnostic services, mental health care, reproductive healthcare, and other services. Local health and social care provisions ensure that residents in local areas have access to similar services, as well as other specific needs such as homeless or low-income populations.

Functions of national health and social care provision

National health and social care provision is the umbrella term for a variety of activities aimed at promoting and protecting people’s health in the United Kingdom. These activities can take many different forms, from providing healthcare through the NHS to assisting people with mental health issues.

National and local health and social care systems share common functions, such as promoting public well-being, protecting citizens’ rights, providing quality services, and combating discrimination. The National Health Service (NHS) is a publicly funded healthcare system that provides free healthcare to anyone who cannot afford it.

National Health Services perform four major functions: maintaining public well-being, protecting citizens’ rights, providing high-quality patient care, and combating discrimination. National Health Services are in charge of housing Older Adults, whereas local governments primarily support social welfare payments such as Housing Benefits and Social Funds, among other things.

National Health Services primarily provide healthcare, whereas local governments primarily provide social care services.

Functions of local health and social care provision

The way in which local communities look after their own residents is referred to as local health and social care provision. This can include providing healthcare, support services, or anything else required to assist people in living healthy lives. There are many different types of local government in Britain, so each area has its own way of providing these services.

Local health and social care provide social care services to people over the age of 65, people with disabilities, and children under the age of 18 who live within their boundaries; these services are not normally provided by NHS hospitals or GP surgeries, but they may collaborate with them as part of an Integrated Care System. LAs are primarily responsible for providing both nationalised housing (apartments/houses) and supporting social welfare payments; however, recent changes such as devolution have meant that some authorities now have responsibility for Housing Benefits and Social Funds, among other things.

Local health and social care provision have similar responsibilities, such as promoting public well-being, protecting citizens’ rights, providing quality services, and combating discrimination.

3.2. Describe factors that influence national and local service delivery.

There are numerous factors that influence national and local health and social care service delivery. Some of the factors that influence national and local health and social care service delivery are as follows:

The population size of a country is one of the most important factors influencing health service delivery. When services are delivered to a larger population, they can be more efficient than when delivered to a smaller population. This is because there is more potential for resource sharing between neighbouring areas, and more people can be served with services if necessary.

Demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity) influence service delivery because they often dictate the health needs of different population segments and may influence which types of care are most appropriate. Younger people, for example, have a greater need for preventive healthcare services than older people, especially in developing countries where many older adults are already experiencing significant declines in functional abilities due to chronic diseases such as hypertension or diabetes.

Service quality is influenced by a variety of factors at both the national and local levels. For example, how well a community is prepared to deal with emergencies (e.g., how many ambulances are available) can impact the quality of care that patients receive during routine visits to their doctor or dentist. Similarly, how services are delivered – whether through face-to-face meetings between patients and providers or electronic systems – can influence patient satisfaction and adherence to treatment plans.

Location is also an important factor influencing health service delivery. For example, people living in rural areas often have a more difficult time accessing quality medical care than those living in urban areas, due to the availability of resources (such as hospitals) and the presence of more remote healthcare facilities.

Contextual factors (e.g., economic conditions, social norms), which can change over time or vary between different regions within a country, are also influential on health service delivery. For example, when it comes to mental health services – one area where there is growing demand but limited resources – stigma and discrimination against people with mental illness may lead many individuals to avoid seeking help altogether or receive inadequate treatment.

Partnership is an important concept in health service delivery that refers to the ability of different stakeholders – including government officials, healthcare providers, individuals with mental illness, community groups and others – to work together effectively in order to meet the needs of patients. Partnership can be essential for overcoming barriers to timely access to care or for ensuring that services are delivered through a coordinated system that minimizes duplication of efforts.

4.1. Explain the roles and responsibilities of health and social care practitioners.

Health and social care Professionals are in charge of managing people’s health and well-being, assisting them in their daily lives, and coordinating care delivery. They may offer assessment and treatment services, as well as counselling or support groups, home visits, or telehealth consultations. Social workers examine a person’s physical health, social relationships, economic circumstances, and living conditions to determine their overall well-being.

Health and social care practitioners frequently collaborate with other professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and mental health professionals. Their roles can be complicated and vary depending on whom they are assisting. They may need to be familiar with a wide range of medical terminology as well as social policies that affect people’s quality of life.

Practitioners in health and social care are commonly advocates for their patients. They may be outspoken about how to improve people’s health or assist them in making informed decisions. They are vital members of the health and social care systems, and their work ensures that everyone who requires it receives the best care possible.

Social workers help people going through difficult times in their lives, such as relationship problems, poverty, or bereavement. They work with individuals and families to identify problems and create a plan of action to address them.

There is no such thing as a “typical” health and social care practitioner because each has its own set of strengths and expertise. However, the following are some common characteristics that would qualify someone for this role: Empathy, strong interpersonal skills, knowledge of various types of treatments and therapies, strong problem-solving abilities, and excellent communication skills are all required.

It is also important to remember that social care practitioners are not necessarily healthcare or medical professionals. They cannot diagnose or treat illness and should always seek medical attention if they suspect someone has a medical condition. There are different roles within the system.

4.2. Describe different working relationships in health and social care settings.

Professionals in a health and social care setting may have varying working relationships with one another. For example, one worker may be in charge of providing care to a patient, while another is in charge of ensuring that the patient’s needs are met within the confines of the facility. In some cases, workers may collaborate to care for a single patient.

Relationships in health and social care settings are frequently complex, and the dynamics of working together vary depending on the situation. For example, one worker may be able to rely on another to work discreetly in order to protect patient privacy. A supervisor, on the other hand, may need to keep track of all activity to ensure that proper care is being provided.

The individual is at the centre of care provision and will have a relationship with any professional involved in their care. These may be formal or informal, but both should support the patient’s rights and wishes.

Different health and social care settings also call for different types of working relationships between professionals depending on their roles, training, skillsets and specialities. For instance:

  • GPs work closely with hospital doctors to coordinate treatment plans for patients;
  • Nurses liaise regularly with each other as they are often responsible for providing round-the-clock healthcare;
  • Social workers must frequently collaborate in order to provide holistic support services;
  • Occupational therapists will constantly communicate when dealing with physical disabilities that require rehabilitation services.
  • Healthcare professionals must collaborate with other specialists, such as psychologists, pharmacists and dietitians, to ensure comprehensive patient care.
  • Care workers in residential settings may work alongside support staff from various different agencies to coordinate a wide range of services for the individual being cared for.

Professionals in health and social care settings should be aware of their own physical and emotional needs in order to best care for patients. Working long hours or dealing with traumatic events can make this difficult. However, taking time to relax and recharge is critical if workers are to provide high-quality care to their patients.

4.3. Explain the need for health and social care practitioners to adhere to the boundaries of their own job role.

Boundaries between health and social care practitioners and those in their personal lives are required for safe and effective care delivery. A worker must be able to distinguish between their professional role, which typically entails caring for others, and any personal relationships or attachments they may have. This enables them to maintain their professionalism, focus on their work, and avoid distractions that may have an impact on the quality of service they provide. It also contributes to ensuring that individuals receive adequate levels of support, respect, privacy, confidentiality, and empathy, all of which are necessary for providing high-quality care.

Workers must also be able to recognise when they have crossed lines and take corrective action. If not handled properly, this can lead to misunderstandings or disputes between workers and individuals, further disrupting care delivery. By adhering to these boundary guidelines, health and social care practitioners help ensure that everyone involved in their work – from individuals receiving care to service providers – receives the best possible level of service.

Boundaries are also required in other departments of health, and social care, such as administration. Managers must be able to set clear expectations and maintain effective communication with their employees to effectively manage and lead a team. This necessitates maintaining a sense of personal detachment, frequently establishing clear boundaries between themselves and their subordinates.

Workers must be able to respect boundaries to provide quality care while remaining focused on the task at hand. By doing so, they ensure that people receiving care receive the best possible care and feel supported throughout their journey.


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