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344 Administer medication to individuals and monitor the effects

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1.1. Identify current legislation, guidelines, policies and protocols relevant to the administration of medication

There are laws, recommendations, strategies and formalities put in place that lay down responsibilities and effective practices that must be followed to ensure proper medication administration to individuals while observing the reactions safely and confidently.


There are numerous laws that are pertinent to delivering medications. Below are some main legislation and their functions.

The Medicines Act 1968

  • It covers licensing, sale, manufacture and supply of medicines
  • It also specifies who is authorized to recommend and distribute medicines
  • The Act categorizes prescription medications into appropriate categories.
  • It stipulates that medications must be provided by pharmacies or prescribing physicians.

The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971

  • It regulates and prevents the the misuse of controlled drugs
  • It also outlines how controlled drugs should be stored

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

  • According to this legislation, employers are required to give employees knowledge, instruction, and supervision so that work tasks can be carried out properly.
  • This legislation mandates that companies do a risk assessment in order to prevent or reduce hazards associated with usage dangerous chemicals, such as medications. This is to ensure that people are working in secure settings and completing activities safely
  • Employers must implement policies for safe working practises, such as requiring employees to wear personal protective equipment and conduct risk assessments


The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) offers national guidance on maintaining good health and wellbeing and preventing illness, including suggestions for best practises and advise on the use of medications.

  • Organizational policies specify who may provide medications in a certain setting, where appropriate, and how to delegate medication delivery
  • There are policies in place for medication self-administration. During a stay in a healthcare facility, patients are still in charge of administering some or all of their medications, unless a risk assessment recommends otherwise
  • The risk assessment takes into account factors including potential risks to the patient or others, the patient’s capacity to handle the required duties, and consent. These risk analyses are repeated as required
  • There are stipulated processes designed to reduce the hazards involved with handling or administering a drug

Each care facility and organisation that gives medications to people has its own policies and procedures for handling pharmaceuticals safely. It is necessary since it outlines several methods for administering each prescription to different people and for monitoring the medication’s reactions.

Since these rules are founded on laws, they must be followed by all care facilities, organisations, and the personnel who work for them. Because the rules establish strict guidelines that must be followed when dealing with each individual, adherence to them is crucial.

Other answers covered in this document:

  • 2.1 Describe common types of medication including their effects and potential side effects.
  • 2.2 Identify medication which demands specific physiological measurements.
  • 2.3 Describe the common adverse reactions to medication, how each can be recognized and the appropriate action(s) required.
  • 2.4 Explain the different routes of medicine administration.
  • 3.1 Explain the types, purpose, and function of materials and equipment needed for the administration of medication via the different routes.
  • 3.2 Identify the required information from prescriptions / medication administration charts.
  • 4.2 Explain ways to ensure the appropriate timing of medication.
  • 5.3 Describe how to report any immediate problems with the administration.
  • 5.5 Explain why it may be necessary to confirm that the individual actually takes the medication and does not pass the medication to others.
  • 5.6 Describe how to dispose of out of date and part-used medications in accordance with legal and organizational requirements.

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