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7 – HSC CM2: Human Growth and Development

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1.1 Identify the life stages of human development.


The first couple of years of a person’s life is referred to as their infancy. Babies at this stage are extremely dependent on their parents or caretakers as they begin to develop their physical and mental capacities. Emotional abilities, including attachment to parents, also mature throughout this time. Learning to communicate begins in childhood. The infant would develop the ability to crawl and move around at this time.


The years from birth to the beginning of puberty, or roughly ages 3–10, are considered childhood. Both psychological and physical maturity are at their peak during this period. Language development and emotional growth both go steadily during this stage. During this period, a child begins to form their moral compass.


Adolescence is the transitional stage between childhood and maturity, and it normally occurs between the ages of 11 and 17. Puberty is a period of significant physical alteration for adolescents. Additionally, they go through a lot of emotional and social instability.

Early Adulthood

The years between the ages of 18 and 29 are often considered the “early adult” years of a person’s life. Physical and mental maturation proceeds simultaneously throughout this period in the lives of young adults. They’re also starting to make a name for themselves professionally and socially.

Middle Adulthood

The ages of 30 and 60 are commonly considered to be “middle adulthood.” People’s mental and physical capacities are at their highest during this time. Similarly, they start to show signs of ageing.

Late adulthood

The years beginning at age 60 and beyond are considered to be those of late adulthood. More significant alterations associated with ageing typically manifest in humans at this age. And as they age, they may experience additional difficulties, such as retirement and health issues.

Other answers in the full document:

  • 1.2. Describe social, emotional, cognitive and physical developments within each life stage.
  • 2.1. Describe theories of human growth and development.
  • 3.1. Explain significant life events that can occur within each stage of human development.
  • 3.2. Analyse the impact that significant life events have on individuals.

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