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Unit 6: Responsibilities of a care worker

Level: Level 2 Diploma

1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship

Working relationships in health and social care are built on mutual respect and collaboration. It entails a professional, usually a healthcare provider, caring for the service user or client. This can be an interaction between two people who are not related in any way but are united by the common goal of providing care services within the scope of their respective roles. The primary focus should be on the recipient’s or client’s welfare, as well as on building trust and collaboration among all parties involved in providing effective health services to them. Working relationships should also strictly adhere to any applicable policies that pertain specifically to safety reasons for both patients/clients and any staff members affected while performing duties.

Personal relationships with patients/clients, on the other hand, may blur boundaries established when performing day-to-day tasks at work, resulting in the blurring of what was initially established: that being only purely professional boundaries aimed at protecting both parties during times when interacting with each other. An informal relationship can be harmful to any health care provider if the service user begins to form unrealistic expectations, putting undue pressure on the provider and making it difficult to objectively assess their medical needs and take necessary steps in providing care. In some cases, this can even lead to exploitation on the part of either party because no clear-cut parameters or guidelines have been established between them.

Maintaining a strictly professional working relationship is, therefore, essential in any health and social care setting. Healthcare professionals must maintain a level of distance from service users in order to provide effective services while also protecting themselves from emotional entanglements that can occur when personal relationships are involved. This will allow healthcare workers to remain impartial and objective while performing their duties. Furthermore, it can aid in the establishment of trust between both parties as they interact on a more meaningful level that is solely focused on providing services within the scope of practice established by applicable policies and regulations.

1.2 Describe different working relationships in care setting

Working relationships in care settings can take many different forms depending on the type and size of the organisation. Staff members in smaller organisations, such as residential homes, typically have closer working relationships. This can be seen in team meetings or conversations during shift changes, where they discuss various aspects of service provision.

The most common relationship is that between a carer and those they care for, which should ideally be marked by mutual trust, respect, and understanding, as well as the development of a positive rapport with their client (s). Good communication is essential in this setting, including not only listening to what clients say but also responding appropriately, including being assertive when necessary but doing so in a gentle manner so that it does not come across negatively to the individual being cared for.

Care Team Members: A care team consists of various professionals working together to ensure the best possible outcome for patients. This includes nurses, doctors, therapists, and social workers who bring different levels of expertise to bear on a given case or situation requiring medical attention or assistance with living independently within society after an injury or illness. It is important that everyone works collaboratively while maintaining clear communication channels to clearly outline expectations and roles in delivering personalised service plans based on clients’ needs.

Family members/Guardians: Family relationships become important when providing personalized support services for those unable to care for themselves independently. This can include helping with everyday tasks such as laundry and grocery shopping, as well as attending medical appointments and managing financial affairs. Guardians may need to step in when the individual is unable due to a mental health disorder or impairment. It is important to set boundaries between all parties to maintain autonomy while still enabling people to live with dignity despite any limitations due to illness or disability.

Professionals from External Agencies: Professional relationships may form with external agencies such as Social Services, which can play a vital role in helping people access the appropriate care they need. These professionals may provide assessments of needs and look at both short-term and long-term solutions for providing personalised support based on individuals’ abilities, wishes, and feelings. This should always be taken into account when creating care plans for those requiring additional assistance.

In larger organisations, working relationships are usually more formal; those responsible for policy decisions may have no contact with those providing direct care services other than the occasional meeting or discussion about procedures/protocols. Direct care workers and those in senior positions may have different levels of management/supervision. This is often a supportive relationship, but it can become strained when disagreements arise or when the manager is forced to implement changes that are unpopular with their employees.

It is crucial for healthcare professionals to recognise the role that each individual plays, both within their team and within the organisation as a whole, in order to effectively collaborate toward common goals. Working relationships should be based on mutual respect and understanding of each other’s roles, as well as mutual support where possible; this will help ensure best practice is delivered across all aspects of service provision while also maintaining good morale among colleagues.

2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role

It is essential for a health and social care worker to adhere to the agreed-upon scope of job roles in order to provide quality, safe, and effective care. It allows practitioners to plan their work, set expectations with colleagues and clients, manage workloads effectively, and stay within the parameters of their role.

First, adhering to the agreed scope allows practitioners’ roles within healthcare settings or other organisations that support people with health-related needs to have clear demarcation lines between what each practitioner can do safely while taking into account relevant legislation that applies at all times, such as the NMC code (2015). This ensures that service users understand what to expect from various professionals. It aids in avoiding duplication in terms of skills or tasks performed by different members of staff, allowing everyone to focus on using specific knowledge for appropriate activities related only to their competencies, creating team synergy required for better patient outcome outcomes.

It also aids in reducing practice errors caused by a lack of knowledge about the scope of practice and preventing any violations of a practitioner’s professional code of conduct. Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of healthcare because it ensures quality care by limiting activities to only those for which each practitioner has the necessary training or education while also providing clients with safe services with the goal of always providing the highest standard possible.

Moreover, adhering to the agreed-upon scope allows health and social care workers to practise within their limits by preventing them from taking on more responsibility than they are qualified or trained for, posing no medical or legal risk. This contributes significantly not only to improved safety standards but also to user trust by knowing what services they can expect based on registered professionals’ qualifications, giving people confidence when accessing these services. As a result, effective communication between practitioners and their peers is established, enabling the best use of staff resources to be made.  This clarity regarding roles prevents individuals from becoming overwhelmed as a result of workload issues, resulting in high levels of motivation and commitment to the job.

As a health and social care worker, adhering to agreed-upon job roles is critical to providing clients with safe and effective quality services. It helps to ensure that each practitioner’s work stays within their area of expertise while also encouraging better communication among colleagues in order to promote the best use from all staff members involved, resulting in positive outcomes for service users.

3.1 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others

Collaboration with others is essential in a health and social care setting because it promotes effective communication, improves the quality of services provided, increases efficiency, and allows for better outcomes for service users.

Communication between professionals is critical to ensuring that all aspects of a person’s health are addressed. Working collaboratively allows healthcare providers to gain access to diverse perspectives that aid in developing insight into more complex issues, allowing them to provide more comprehensive care explicitly tailored to individuals. People receive treatment from multiple sources at the same time, which reduces waiting times because treatments can be performed concurrently rather than sequentially over longer periods; this also eliminates unnecessary duplication or overlap between treatment processes, which would eventually cause delays if working alone was required.

Partnerships allow for better integration of services, allowing healthcare teams to draw on a variety of skill sets and specialist expertise; using a multi-disciplinary approach encourages collaboration where problems or challenges need to be effectively resolved while minimising risk factors associated with any intervention carried out by the team. Individuals with complex needs will benefit from more positive outcomes because they will receive consistent care with treatments tailored to their specific needs and goals.

Partnerships enable healthcare teams to share resources and participate in cost-sharing practices, which improve efficiency and lower overall service costs. Such cost reductions can result in more funds available for providers to invest in other areas, such as improved facilities or staff training, resulting in an increase in the quality of care provided by health services at all levels for those in the community it serves.

When professionals collaborate, a greater sense of accountability is instilled in them because there is a collective responsibility to provide high-quality service. Working with others allows members from various organisations responsible for meeting patients’ needs to stay informed on any relevant developments so that information gaps do not exist; this enables transparency across all aspects of a health setting, which increases trust between personnel and improves communication processes while ensuring issues relating specifically to patient’s care are addressed quickly.

Working in collaboration with others in a health and social care setting promotes effective communication, increases efficiency, improves the quality of services provided, and allows for better outcomes for service users.

3.3 Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts

In any health and social care setting, conflict resolution is an important skill. Workers must not only understand how to manage interpersonal conflict among co-workers but they must also be prepared for potential disagreements with service users or their families. A successful health and social service provider will prioritise conflict resolution skills development as a critical component of staff training.

The ability to recognise when a disagreement has occurred is the primary step in effective conflict resolution. When responding to complaints or criticisms from both patients/families and other members of the team, health and social care workers should remain calm, remain objective, ask clarifying questions if necessary, and listen attentively; this will allow them to identify areas where there may be discrepancies that can lead to more serious disputes down the line if not addressed quickly. It is important to keep personal emotions out of conflicts; this helps ensure decisions are made based on facts rather than personal biases or beliefs, which could result in an unbalanced outcome.

Staff in health and social care should be aware of the various conflict resolution methods available in order to develop strategies tailored to specific scenarios; these can include open dialogue, negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Furthermore, they should understand the policies and procedures that govern the environment in which they operate, such as codes of conduct or grievance handling processes, so that conflicts are addressed consistently across different areas.  Finally, after any disagreements have been resolved, there must be some form of follow-up to ensure there is no lingering animosity between parties involved or any associated risks arising from decisions made during resolution processes; this could include a review meeting with all relevant stakeholders at regular intervals following an incident, if necessary.

Conflict resolution skills are essential in health and social care settings because disputes can arise between colleagues, patients/families, and external stakeholders on occasion – without these abilities, organisations would find it increasingly difficult to maintain their high standards in terms of both quality service provisioning and compliance with relevant regulations.


  • “Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers – Skills for Health.” Skills for Health, www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/info-hub/code-of-conduct-for-healthcare-support-workers-and-adult-social-care-workers.
  • “What Are Your Responsibilities as a Care Worker? – Anglian Care.” Anglian Care, 27 Apr. 2022, angliancare.com/blog/what-are-your-responsibilities-as-a-care-worker.Millie.
  • George, Freeman. (2005). Values in professional practice: lessons for health, social care and other professionals. International Journal of Integrated Care. 5. 10.5334/ijic.122.
  • PharmD, MBA, Angela Valadez. “The Fine Line: Professional and Personal Relationships – THE MSL.” THE MSL, themsljournal.com/article/the-fine-line-professional-and-personal-relationships.
  • “What Are the Responsibilities of a Care Worker in a Care Home?” What Are the Responsibilities of a Care Worker in a Care Home?| the Fremantle Trust, 24 May 2022, www.fremantletrust.org/help-and-advice/what-are-the-responsibilities-of-a-care-worker-in-a-care-home.Care, Anglian.
  • “Code of conduct for adult social care workers” activesocialcare.com/handbook/understanding-your-role/skills-for-care-code-of-conduct-for-adult-social-care-workers.
  • “Qualities of a Care Worker: Do You Have Them? | Abbots Care.” Abbots Care, 10 Jan. 2022, abbotscare.com/qualities-of-a-care-worker-do-you-have-them.Matthew.
  • “Conflict Resolution Skills – HelpGuide.org.” HelpGuide.org, 5 Dec. 2022, www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/conflict-resolution-skills.htm.
  • “27 Conflict Resolution Skills to Use With Your Team and Your Customers.” 27 Conflict Resolution Skills to Use With Your Team and Your Customers, 5 Oct. 2021, blog.hubspot.com/service/conflict-resolution-skills.

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